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Lab Manager Earns Two Prizes in 2023 Tabbie Awards

For the second year in a row, Lab Manager’s editorial content receives recognition in prestigious B2B publishing awards program

by Lab Manager
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Lab Manager is proud to announce that it has received two honors from the 2023 Tabbie Awards, a prestigious B2B publishing awards program presented by the Trade, Association, Business Publications International (TABPI). As explained on the TABPI website, “The core mission of the Tabbie Awards is to recognize—to honor—journalism professionals who help drive excellence through their impressive ethics and talent.”

Top prize in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI)

First, Lab Manager took Gold in the 2023 Diversity & Inclusion Journalism category for its November 2022 DEI issue.

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“Often with DEI coverage, the three components of DEI are lumped together and talked about interchangeably. However, diversity, equity, and inclusion are three distinct topics that require specific strategies and conversations. This entry demonstrates that necessary distinction and the content transforms these complex topics into more digestible approaches for readers. The reporting is thorough and the design augments the writing,” noted the Tabbie Awards judging committee when commenting on Lab Manager’s entry.

Diversity, equity, and inclusion are core topic areas for Lab Manager. The editorial team dedicates a print issue each year to tackling the complex challenges and discussions around these topics, the events team hosts a Women Leaders in Science Summit—one of the most highly attended digital summits of the year— and the in-person Lab Manager Leadership Summit also features a speaker session on DEI.

”Enabling the lab to succeed requires helping each individual bring their best self to work every day,” says Scott Hanton, PhD, editorial director and experienced lab manager. “Lab Manager is dedicated to delivering content to managers to educate them on difficult topics like DEI, which helps them make better decisions for the staff and for the lab.”

Innovation-themed issue makes Top 25 list for Single Best Issue category

Lab Manager also earned an Honorable Mention, making the Top 25 list for Best Single Issue with its July/August 2022 Innovators issue. This issue showcased the immense talent of Lab Manager’s Design team, led by group art director Danielle Gibbons, who produced compelling graphics to accompany high-quality editorial articles. Lab Manager’s team of editors and writers each shared their own perspectives of what the term “innovator” meant to them to craft unique articles for this issue. Some writers chose to profile individuals that they consider innovators, such as Bengt Saltin, a distinguished scholar in the field of exercise physiology or Sylvia Earle, a trailblazer in deep-sea exploration and research. Others discussed the intersection between leadership and innovation, while another piece focused on how researchers can find inspiration for innovative ideas.

“Each writer had a personal connection to their assignments for this issue, which shined through in their writing. The Innovators issue is filled with engaging storytelling, and it is very exciting to see how well it resonated with our readers and with the Tabbie Awards judges,” says Lauren Everett, managing editor. “This recognition further demonstrates that Lab Manager is an authoritative voice in the laboratory management and leadership space.”

2023 marks the 20th anniversary for the Tabbie Awards. Submissions were received from across the globe, including Australia, Canada, China, the US, and UK. The Tabbie awards feature 20 different categories to honor excellence in both digital and print journalism. TABPI President Paul J. Heney said: “This year’s entries once again show how B2B publications remain a critical information source for countless niche audiences worldwide.”

About Lab Manager:

Lab Manager provides guidance and resources to help laboratory leaders run their labs like a business. We are the only publication specifically focused on all aspects of running a lab, including:

  • Health & Safety
  • Lab Quality
  • Lab Leadership
  • Lab Staffing
  • Business Management
  • Asset Management
  • Lab products
  • Lab Design
  • Sustainability
     And more!

Many laboratory managers started as bench scientists. While their training includes all they need to be great researchers, most scientific programs don’t cover the skills needed to effectively manage a lab. Lab Manager’s content, including a print magazine (published 10x per year), digital offerings, webinars, videos, events, and the Lab Manager Academy offers tips, strategies, and insight to enable readers to be strong leaders in their labs. Learn more at