Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business

Magazine Issues

Lab Manager June 2024 Cover

Current Issue |  Volume 21 - Issue 5  |  June 2024

Cover Story

Beyond Expertise: From Thinking Outside the Box to Outside the Domain

How your lab will benefit from fostering divergent thinking in staff

Lab Manager May 2024 Cover

Future-Proof Lab Design

Key elements to crafting a long-term vision of your lab space

Lab Manager April 2024 Cover Image

Beyond Guesswork: Forging a Data-Driven Lab

Effective decision are data-driven and aligned with broader goals

Lab Manager March 2024 Cover Image

Elevating Lab Performance with Quality by Design

QBD centers around ongoing risk assessments of pharma process

Lab Manager January/February 2024 Cover Image

Setting Your Lab Up for Success

A three-step strategy to boost your lab's performance and exceed goals

Product Resource Guide Cover

Product Resource Guide '24

Your go-to source for technology trends and analysis, product offerings, and manufacturers

Image of hands typing on a laptop computer. Headline reads "Crafting Effective Business Case Documents" with the subheading "SUPPORT INVESTMENT PROPOSALS WITH A CLEAR STORY SUPPORTED BY THE NUMBERS"

Crafting Effective Business Case Documents

Support investment proposals with a clear story supported by the numbers

Illustration of one male and two female scientists surrounded by pills, capsules, and scientific equipment

Solutions to Advance Drug Development

Organ-on-a-chip models show promise to increase the accuracy of drug testing outcomes

Cover of Lab Manager's July/August issue

Harnessing Innovative AI Solutions in Your Lab

Exploring AI-powered analytic and processing tools—and the challenges that accompany them

Lab Manager June 2023 Cover. A speech bubble contains a row of three dimensional emojis, ranging in emotion from in distress to happy.

Strategies to Mitigate Staff Burnout

Empower lab managers to tap into their own resources to cope and thrive at work