Biosafety cabinets (BSCs) are essential for protecting the safety of lab personnel, the environment, and samples when working with biohazardous agents. They can significantly reduce the risk of biohazard exposure by filtering air through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters before it is exhausted into the lab or outside environment. However, the complexity of BSC maintenance and operation, including decontamination strategies, can present substantial challenges.

Lab managers must determine optimal maintenance and cleaning routines to prolong BSC lifespan and ensure performance. This involves regular certification and testing of HEPA filters, along with adherence to stringent decontamination processes. The selection of disinfectants requires careful consideration to ensure efficacy against a broad range of contaminants and compatibility with the materials that make up the interior of the BSC.
Adopting best practices can allow a BSC to run well for decades before needing replacement, though it is important to recognize when they require an update. Luckily, many of the physical signs of needing a new BSC, like rust, are easy to recognize. Other reasons to upgrade include improved ergonomics and potential energy savings.
Best practices for BSCs also include how they are used. Lab personnel must have a thorough understanding of the types of work appropriate for different BSC classes, adhere to protocols that minimize biohazard exposure, and implement practices that maintain sample integrity. Establishing comprehensive training programs can equip personnel with the required knowledge and skills for safe and effective BSC operation.
Download this eBook to learn more about:
- Selecting the right BSC for your lab
- Effective BSC decontamination and maintenance practices
- Creating a BSC training program
- BSC features for enhanced sustainability and safety
Best Practices for Biosafety Cabinet Maintenance and Use
Maximizing performance, safety, and sustainability
Questions to Ask
for Biosafety Cabinets
Table of Contents
3 Beyond the Basics: Elevating Lab Safety with Biosafety Cabinets
4 Questions to Ask When Buying a Biological Safety Cabinet
6 The Right Biological Safety Cabinet for Your Job
8 Creating a Biosafety Cabinet Training Program
11 Biosafety Cabinet Surface Decontamination Considerations
15 How Efficient Is Your Biosafety Cabinet?
17 When to Upgrade Your Lab’s Biological Safety Cabinet
2 Lab Manager
19 Building a Custom Biosafety Cabinet Around Your Laboratory Automation Equipment
Beyond the Basics: Elevating Lab Safety with Biosafety Cabinets
Best practices for maintaining biosafety cabinets to protect lab personnel, ensure sample integrity, and extend equipment lifespan
Biosafety cabinets (BSCs) are essential for protecting the safety of lab personnel, the environment, and samples when working with biohazardous agents. They can significantly reduce the risk of biohazard exposure by filtering air through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters before it is exhausted into the lab or outside environment. However, the complexity of BSC maintenance and operation, including decontamination strategies, can present substantial challenges.
Lab managers must determine optimal maintenance and cleaning routines to prolong BSC lifespan and ensure performance. This involves regular certification and testing of HEPA filters, along with adherence to stringent decontamination processes. The selection of disinfectants requires careful consideration to ensure efficacy against a broad range of contaminants and compatibility with the materials that make up the interior of the BSC.
Adopting best practices can allow a BSC to run well for decades before needing replacement, though it is important to recognize when they require an update. Luckily, many of the physical signs of needing a new BSC, like rust, are easy to recognize. Other reasons to upgrade include improved ergonomics and potential energy savings.
Best practices for BSCs also include how they are used. Lab personnel must have a thorough understanding of the types of work appropriate for different BSC classes, adhere to protocols that minimize biohazard exposure, and implement practices that maintain sample integrity. Establishing comprehensive training programs can equip personnel with the required knowledge and skills for safe and effective BSC operation.
This eBook covers questions to ask when buying a BSC, strategies for effective BSC decontamination and maintenance, insights into optimizing BSC efficiency and reducing environmental impact, and practical advice on creating impactful training programs for lab personnel.
Questions to Ask When Buying a Biological Safety Cabinet
by Lab Manager
Responding to Alarms Safely and Effectively
Encouraging a culture of lab safety involves ensuring that all staff know how to handle safety incidents.
BSCs are equipped with various alarms to indicate a high sash, drops in airflow velocity, and more.
While BSC interfaces are relatively user-friendly and easy to understand, many operators still lack knowledge of what to do when an alarm is triggered. This can be remedied by working with your lab’s embedded safety professional to train
staff on how to safely and swiftly respond to every kind of alarm that your lab’s BSC has.
Biological safety cabinets (BSCs) are designed to protect sensitive samples from environmental contaminants and to keep workers safe from the potentially hazardous or infectious samples they are working with.
The following questions will help you make an informed purchasing decision that ensures your BSC aligns with your lab’s specific needs and safety standards:
What class/type of BSC do you need for your application?
Where can you place your BSC to avoid turbulent airflow (e.g., away from doors and high-traffic areas)?
Using the Right Chemical Disinfectant with Your BSC
Cleaning your BSC with an incompatible cleaner like iodine or bleach can stain or even rust the metal. One common method is to wipe down the interior of the BSC with a 1:10 fresh bleach solution to disinfect the metal, then rinse it with 70 percent ethanol to avoid corrosion.
What external gas services or utilities (vacuum, CO2, etc.) will you need to integrate with your BSC?
What filters are being used, and how often will they need to be replaced?
Will the BSC’s lighting and noise allow staff to work comfortably in it for several hours?
How will you train your staff on proper techniques and safety precautions?
The Right Biological Safety Cabinet for Your Job
When selecting a new biological safety cabinet, many factors should be considered.
by Mike May, PhD
When selecting a new biological safety cabinet (BSC), many factors should be considered, and it all starts with picking the right class—broadly speaking, I, II, or III. The right choice arises from a risk assessment, which depends largely on what is used in your experiments.
The first question to ask yourself is, what kind of protection do you need - product, personnel, or both?
Once you answer this question, visit the American Biological Safety Association’s Risk Group Database and obtain the biosafety level (BSL) for the agents you will be using. This level can be from one to four, according to
various organizations, such as the U.S. National Institutes of Health and the European Union.
But don’t stop there. Some biological safety officers recommend working with a biosafety professional from the beginning. They can help identify the big-picture needs and weed through all the purchasing options, ultimately saving you time and money.
BSC basics
The least risky BSL is one. For scientists working with low-risk agents—like Escherichia coli K12—the BSC protects the sample more than the scientist. Here, either a Class I or II BSC will work.
Scientists working on infectious agents or toxins that pose a moderate risk if inhaled, swallowed, or exposed to human skin, such as Staphylococcus aureus or E. coli O157:H7, must meet BSL-2 containment. For this BSL a BSC must be used, but a Class I or II will suffice, depending on the biological risk assessment.
At BSL-3, the agents, such as herpesvirus B, may be transmitted through the air and cause potentially lethal infection through inhalation. In addition to a variety of increasingly complex criteria, the CDC recommends a Class II or III BSC for this work.
The most dangerous agents can be worked on only in a BSL-4 facility, and there are only a few dozen in the world. These labs work on the worst of the worst, like Ebola and Marburg viruses. At BSL-4, an operator must either wear
a one-piece positive pressure suit and work in a Class II BSC or use a Class III BSC with a lower level of personal protective equipment.
It is also important to keep in mind that it’s not just the biological agents that matter. If you work with hazardous chemicals that also have a biological load, they can affect the appropriate BSC class.
While this overview provides some general guidelines, expertise should be sought before making a final decision.
Diving into the details
While it is true that there are three classes of BSCs, the vast majority are Class II. This is because Class I BCSs protect only personnel and the environment, and Class III BSCs are awkward to work in and are used only with the most hazardous agents.
For most North American lab managers, the question they will more likely ask is: which type of Class II BSC is needed? Class II BSCs come in five types based on
construction, airflow, and how they interface with exhaust systems: A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1. When volatile toxic
chemicals are not used, scientists can work in an A1 or A2 with the air filtered and vented into the lab. When using volatile toxic chemicals and biological agents, you probably need a Class II BSC connected to an external exhaust.
Consider the construction
Even within a given BSC class, there is a lot to consider to meet safety standards, including how the product is constructed. “How a cabinet is designed from the ground up will help identify the level of protection and product longevity,” John Peters, marketing director at NuAire (Plymouth, MN), says.
When assessing how a BSC is made, begin with the material. Is it constructed from cold-rolled or stainless steel? You’ll need to balance risk, investment, and equipment life. Then, buy a BSC constructed of the material that keeps your scientists as safe as possible, but doesn’t unnecessarily break the bank.
How long a BSC keeps your team safe, though, also depends on what holds the pieces together. Some manufacturers use rivets and sealants, and others use welds.
Overall, says Peters, “A cabinet that is properly constructed from the ground up using stainless-steel pieces welded together to create a monolithic core will provide years of safety—not having to worry about gaskets and sealants degrading over time.”
Know the flow
Any BSC’s safety depends on it doing what it’s supposed to do, such as providing the specified flow. Usually, the flow is monitored inside the plenum, which measures the static pressure, or with an airflow probe. “NuAire offers both technologies,” Peters says. “The benefit to using an airflow probe is that it is using the same technology certifiers used to certify your cabinet.” The static measurement works fine to ensure that a BSC is at the proper pressure, but you won’t get any information about the actual airflow.
Whether monitoring the pressure or the airflow, a BSC should let you know if something goes wrong. An alarm should indicate when the system is not working safely or if the sash is at a level that makes the system useless.
To select the right BSC for your task, you’ll need to think about how you’ll use it, study the requirements for the agents that you have in mind, and make sure to get the features that ensure the performance you need.
Creating a Biosafety Cabinet Training Program
Guidance on training users to work safely inside a biological safety cabinet
by Julianne L. Baron, PhD, CPH, RBP
Work with biological agents, especially work with unknown specimens that may generate aerosols, droplets, or splashes, or work with high concentrations or large volumes of materials should be conducted within a primary containment device, often a biological safety cabinet (BSC). Therefore, the BSC is a critical engineering control used to minimize exposure to
Biosafety Levels 1,2,3,4
Established by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), biosafety levels 1 through 4 represent a collection of laboratory techniques, practices, and equipment used to manage the biohazards posed when working with various infectious agents.
Biosafety Level 1
Infectious Agents
Strains of viable micro-organisms that usually pose a minimal potential threat to laboratory workers and the environment and do not consistently cause disease in healthy adults.
Bacillus subtillus
Canine Hepatitis
Escherichia coli
Standard microbiological practices
Mechanical pipetting
Safe sharps handling
Splash and aerosol avoidance
Decontamination of work surfaces
Working with infectious agents requires specific care and equipment
Established by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and Centers for Disease Control (CDC), biosafety levels 1 through 4 represent a collection of laboratory techniques, practices, and equipment used to manage the biohazards posed when working with various infectious agents.
Standard Personal protective equipment Open benchtop and sink required consisting of gloves, eye protection, and
lab coat or gown.
Biosafety Level 2
biohazardous materials. However, users may or may not be trained specifically to use it—especially those working at lower levels of containment. Within the context of a larger biosafety training program, the inclusion of specific information and hands-on training in the appropriate practices and procedures for working within a BSC
can assist workers in safely handling or manipulating biological materials.
This white paper will outline many free resources needed to properly train personnel to safely handle potentially biohazardous materials within a BSC.
Product Spotlight
LabGard ES NU-540 Class II Biosafety Cabinet
The NU-540 features a DC ECM blower to economize energy while distributing laminar airflow through a flexible plenum and offering enough power to overcome HEPA filter loading and minimize filter changes. This design provides the user with a work zone whose side and back walls are constructed from a single piece of stainless steel for enhanced containment and easy cleanability. The NU-540 is configured to meet the needs of most clinical and research applications, offering containment that meets the NSF/ANSI 49 standard.
Biosafety Cabinet Surface Decontamination Considerations
by Julianne L. Baron, PhD, CPH, RBP
You may be very familiar with performing work in a biosafety cabinet (BSC) and the need to wipe down the work surface with a disinfectant after you complete your experiments but what about decontaminating it before you begin working?
Have you ever wondered why you have been told to wipe down the BSC surfaces with water or 70 percent ethanol following disinfection with bleach or how you can reach the back wall of the BSC to decontaminate it without putting your head or upper body into the cabinet? In this article, we will discuss the importance of decontaminating your BSC both before and after use, how to choose an appropriate disinfectant, and techniques and tips that can be used to
help you decontaminate the BSC. Although disinfecting the BSC surfaces after a spill of biohazardous materials is a very important topic, it has been covered elsewhere,1-3 so we will focus only on routine BSC surface decontamination in this article.
The importance of decontaminating your biosafety cabinet
Decontamination is a process performed to treat surfaces or materials in a way such that they are no longer expected to be able to transmit diseases and are therefore safe to handle or manipulate. Many guidance documents and
videos describe the need to decontaminate the inner surfaces (the work surface, sides, back, and inside the glass sash) of the biosafety cabinet after you complete your work session and at the end of the day,4-8 but did you know that these documents also recommend decontaminating the cabinet before you begin your work?4-7,9-10 For BSCs that are designed to provide product protection, it is important that the work zone of the BSC is both allowed to purge the existing air inside and is decontaminated with an appropriate disinfectant prior to beginning your work.4,5,9,10 This helps to ensure that only HEPA filtered air is provided to the work surface while you are working and that the internal surfaces of the BSC are not a source of contamination for your biological materials.
To allow for easier clean-up and decontamination at the end of your work, several sources suggest that the use of plastic-backed absorbent bench paper on the cabinet’s work surface should be considered. However, if you use absorbent bench paper, ensure that it does not block the front or rear air grilles or otherwise impact the airflow inside the work zone.4,7,9 After completing work with biohazardous materials in the BSC, you should secure and surface decontaminate these materials and any other lab supplies or equipment (mechanical pipettes, pipette tips, vortexes, etc.) before removing them from the BSC. The absorbent bench paper on the BSC’s work surface, if used, and any other wastes should be secured within the BSC and properly disposed of and finally all internal surfaces of
the BSC should be decontaminated again.4-8 This post-work
decontamination is important to clean-up any potential droplets, small spills, or aerosol deposition of biological materials that may have occurred during your work
in the BSC.
How to select an appropriate disinfectant
Now that you understand when and why you should decontaminate the internal surfaces of your biosafety cabinet, it is important to understand both the purpose of performing decontamination and material compatibility. Oftentimes, liquid chemical disinfectants are used to decontaminate the internal surfaces of BSCs. The type and concentration of these chemical disinfectants will vary depending on the specific microorganisms that are being used in the work. Based on their cellular structure,
different microbes have different relative levels of resistance to chemical disinfectants. These organisms range in order from very resistant to less resistant including prions,
bacterial spores, Mycobacterium species, non-enveloped viruses, fungi, vegetative bacteria, and enveloped viruses, respectively.4 Though, there are caveats to this simplified level of resistance based on the specific organism and
the form it takes.4 There are three types of chemical disinfection processes outlined by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) including high-level, intermediate-level, and low-level disinfectants that may be used on medical devices in healthcare facilities.4 The disinfectants that may be used in the laboratory can fall into these different levels and their use will depend on the resistance of the microbes handled and the types of surfaces or materials that need to be decontaminated.
Chemicals that may be used to decontaminate your BSC can include high-level (peracetic acid and chlorine
dioxide), high-level to intermediate-level (glutaraldehyde, hydrogen peroxide, and hypochlorites), intermediate- level (alcohols), intermediate-level to low-level (iodophors and phenolics), and low-level (quaternary ammonium compounds) disinfectants.4,5 Since the biological materials used in different BSCs will vary, a risk assessment must be performed to select a disinfectant that is effective against the agents regularly used in your particular work.6,10
If using a corrosive disinfectant, such as chlorine bleach, it is very important to consider its compatibility with your cabinet’s stainless-steel surfaces and other materials that make up the interior of the biosafety cabinet. It is recommended that you immediately wipe down surfaces again after the corrosive disinfectant’s recommended
contact time using either sterile water, sodium thiosulfate solution, or 70 percent ethanol to remove any remaining chemical residues. If this follow-up step is not performed, the disinfectant can quickly cause degradation and pitting of the stainless-steel which may allow microorganisms in the pits to avoid contact with disinfectants and survive.5,6,8,9 When using any chemical disinfectants, ensure that
they are applied safely, including having appropriate hazard communication labeling, donning any required personal protective equipment (PPE), and following the
manufacturer’s instructions for proper usage, concentration, contact time, and approved surfaces.4
To assist you in completing this risk assessment, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) maintains several lists of disinfectants that are effective against different microbes. These specific antimicrobial products have had laboratory testing performed that shows that they kill the organism(s) specified and have submitted those results to the EPA for official review. These lists can contain a plethora of useful information about the antimicrobials including the active ingredient(s), the contact time to kill the organism(s), whether the disinfectant is ready-to-use or needs to be diluted, and what types of surfaces it should be used on (porous or hard, nonporous surfaces).11
Where and how to decontaminate your biosafety cabinet
Once you have determined the appropriate disinfectant for the organisms used in your biosafety cabinet and prepared it according to the manufacturer’s instructions for use, it is time to decontaminate your BSC. Prior
to decontaminating your BSC, ensure there are no equipment or supplies inside the work zone5,9 and that the interior surfaces are free of any waste materials such as animal bedding, feed, and their wastes, plastic-
backed absorbent bench paper, and sharps (glass cover- slips, needles, scalpels, glass Pasteur pipettes, etc.). It is especially important to check for potentially sharp objects on the work surface and the drain pan underneath the work surface prior to wiping directly with your hand.
Informative videos demonstrating BSC decontamination methods and techniques are available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and World Health Organization (WHO).7-10 While the BSC is running, all
of the internal surfaces of the BSC should be treated with the disinfectant selected during your risk assessment.
This includes the work surface, the side walls, the back, and the inside of the glass front sash.4,5,7-10 The disinfectant should be used for the appropriate contact time for the agent(s) as recommended by the manufacturer and the EPA.5,8,11 If you are unable to reach the side walls or the back of your cabinet to wipe with your arm you can use a mechanical device, such as an extendable mop. You should never lift the sash to enter the BSC or otherwise put your head or upper body into the work zone of the BSC to decontaminate it.7,9
The recommended method of applying the disinfectant varies depending on the source of the guidance and ranges from squirting or spraying the disinfectant directly onto the
biosafety cabinet’s internal surfaces8,10 to moistening absorbent materials such as paper towels and then wiping the surfaces.7,9 Your BSC decontamination technique should be defined during your risk assessment and may be dependent upon the type of chemical disinfectant that is used. For example, when squirting or spraying disinfectant directly onto surfaces, it is possible that the chemical may get into the air grilles or other internal surfaces of the BSC that may not be accessible for additional wipe down and that damage to the stainless-steel components may occur in places that cannot be reached.9 As mentioned earlier, if you are using a corrosive disinfectant
such as chlorine bleach, you should follow up with a second wipe down with sterile water, sodium thiosulfate solution, or 70 percent ethanol to remove the residue that may corrode the stainless-steel components of the BSC.4,5,8,9 Make sure that chemical disinfectants are properly labeled, used
safely according to the manufacturer’s instructions, and are appropriate for your specific application.4,5,9
If a spill occurs while working with biohazardous materials in the BSC, especially if the spill breaches the BSC’s front or rear air grilles, the surface decontamination methods described above will not be
sufficient to decontaminate the spilled materials. Consult your institution’s spill clean-up procedures for additional details on spill response and reporting.
“If using a corrosive disinfectant, such as chlorine bleach, it is very important to consider its compatibility with
your BSC’s stainless-steel surfaces
and other materials that make up the interior of the biosafety cabinet.”
CDC Fundamentals of Working Safely in a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC): Cleaning Up a Spill in a BSC:
WHO Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) 4: Incident Management: ening-public-health-laboratory-services/videos AND
NuAire: Ten Easy Steps for Cleaning a Spill in the Bio- safety Cabinet: steps-to-cleaning-a-spill-in-a-biosafety-cabinet-ebook
CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 6th Edition: labs/BMBL.html
NSF/ANSI 49 -2020 Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Con- struction, Performance, and Field Certification Informa- tive Annex 1: NSFANSI492020Annex
WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual: Biological Safety Cabinets and Other Primary Containment Devic-
es monograph: item/9789240011335
7. CDC Fundamentals of Working Safely in a Biological
Safety Cabinet (BSC): Completing Work in a BSC: https://
It is important to ensure that you decontaminate your BSC before and after performing work with biological materials. Understanding what microbe(s) will be handled in the BSC and their relative level of chemical resistance are critical pieces of information that are needed to conduct a risk assessment to determine the appropriate disinfectant for use in the BSC. The biological materials will impact the chemical concentration and contact time while the type
of disinfectant selected will impact the need to remove any remaining chemical residues. While performing decontamination, it may be useful to employ a mechanical device to assist you in reaching the sides and back wall
of the BSC. The decision to apply disinfectant chemicals directly to BSC surfaces or to apply to a paper towel and then wipe it onto surfaces should be considered as part of your risk assessment and account for the materials compatibility of the selected disinfectant.
WHO Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) 3: Best Practices for Safe Usage: ening-public-health-laboratory-services/videos AND
CDC Fundamentals of Working Safely in a Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC): Preparing for Work in a BSC:
WHO Biological Safety Cabinet (BSC) 2: Preparatory Steps: lic-health-laboratory-services/videos AND https://www.
US EPA: Selected EPA-Registered Disinfectants: https:// tered-disinfectants
How Efficient Is Your Biosafety Cabinet?
Biosafety cabinets that work for you and the environment
by Andy Tay, PhD
Biosafety cabinets (BSCs) are some of the most common pieces of equipment in biological labs. Not only do
they provide a sterile environment to handle cells and tissues, but they also help to protect experimenters from biological aerosols, splashes, and spills, and the
environment from biological contaminants. They provide these functions primarily through high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters that block the entry and exit of particles that are larger than 0.3 μm.
Across the world, research institutes are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental impact of their scientific activities and are trying to reduce their carbon footprints. However, one of the major obstacles
to achieving this goal is the high energy consumption of BSCs due to the continuous airflow required to maintain a sterile environment. Therefore, improving the energy efficiency of BSCs would lead to cost savings for labs and a smaller environmental footprint.
“Improving the energy efficiency of BSCs would lead to cost savings for labs and a smaller environmental footprint.”
Motor system
BSCs continuously regulate the f low of gases to maintain sterility. This is achieved in conventional BSCs by using alternating current (AC) motors that run at a fixed speed. However, in times when the f low of gases must be slower, such as when users have to work on other experiments and close the sash, AC motors are unable to run on less current supply. Instead, they convert the extra current to heat which wastes energy and requires additional cooling, which also consumes energy.
Newer BSCs are equipped with direct current (DC) motors that are more energy efficient as they can easily run on different current supplies. For instance, when the
HEPA filters become loaded with particulates, the motor can draw on more current to run at a faster speed to maintain the critical airflow rate. The use of DC motors also helps to reduce the possibility of contamination from imbalanced airflow.
Programmable functions
Most BSCs contain ultraviolet lamps that can be used to sterilize surfaces. In older designs, users often have to decide between waiting in the lab for a few hours while ultraviolet sterilization is completed or leaving the lamp turned on overnight. This wastes energy and wears out the lamp quicker. Alternatively, newer BSCs come with programmable functions such as scheduling ultraviolet sterilization with a user-defined duration and time.
Ergonomic designs
Manufacturers of BSCs have introduced other innovations to improve their design and functionality. For instance, they have created more ergonomic layouts that give users more room to work, so they no longer feel the need to block the airflow with objects. This, in turn, reduces the energy consumption of the motor system since it does
not have to compensate for the disrupted airflow. Newer BSCs may also come with a ‘quick start mode,’ which enables certain functions, like sash height adjustment,
to be performed more quickly. In traditional BSCs, the height of the sash needs to be manually adjusted. Since this is prone to human error, the sash may not always be at the optimal height, which disrupts airflow and consumes more energy. However, in ‘quick start mode,’ the sash is instead programmed to automatically move to the optimal height, minimizing disrupted airflow and maximizing energy savings.
BSCs are an important tool in biological labs and their use has facilitated great scientific discoveries. However, like many other tools, including centrifuges and cell culture
f lasks, their design and function will have to evolve to meet the needs and concerns of their users. A more
energy-efficient biosafety cabinet is a win-win for both science and the environment
When to Upgrade Your Lab’s Biological Safety Cabinet
Biological safety cabinets are crucial for the safety of staff and the protection of products, so it’s important to know when these units should be upgraded
by Lauren Everett and Rachel Muenz
While a well-treated biological safety cabinet (BSC) can last for decades, it is also crucial for the safety of staff and the protection of products, so it’s important to know when they should be upgraded.
Luckily, many of the physical signs of needing a new BSC are easy to recognize. As one example, rust or corrosion on the outside or inside of the cabinet is a red flag to replace
your existing BSC. It’s also important for lab managers to observe the ergonomics of their lab’s BSC relative to their staff ’s daily work. Some manufacturers have integrated new features, such as eye-level cabinet display screens for easy viewing of things like filter life and alarms, that improve the way users work in BSCs. If your BSC is causing ergonomic issues for your team, upgrading to a more modern cabinet is a wise choice.
A less obvious sign that it is time to consider an upgraded model is the potential energy savings. Modern BSCs are much more energy efficient than older type ‘energy hog’ BSCs that are still using alternating current (AC) motors. The return on investment by switching to a BSC with a new modern direct current (DC) motor should be evaluated.
As with many other types of lab equipment, when replacement parts for your BSC are becoming scarce or unavailable, you’ll need to consider purchasing a new unit.
Additionally, a BSC that requires repetitive servicing to keep it running or that has failed its annual NSF
certification test is one that has reached the end of its life cycle. But if you only need to protect a product in your lab, rather than the operators, you may not even need a BSC— another option like a clean bench may suffice.
Purchasing tips
Even if funds to purchase a new BSC are very limited, there are still quality options available. Here are a few tips for buyers on a budget:
) Take the time to do your research on the options available to ensure you get the best all-around value
) Investigate leasing programs
) If you manage an academic lab, some vendors offer special pricing
Because BSCs are capable of lasting a long time, many lab managers may be unaware of the newer features of modern BSCs. According to some, the greatest improvements to BSC technology are safety, performance, and comfort.
Newer BSCs are producing and maintaining precision airflows that marry sterility and safety in a consistent and energy-efficient manner.
Additionally, monitoring and documentation are important, especially in controlled, GMP environments. Older BSCs may lack the capability to adequately document process control and protection measures. Whereas some newer models include touchscreen interfaces and connectivity functions to help preserve important performance data.
When shopping for a new BSC, don’t get hyper-focused looking just at the sale price. Look for a manufacturer that provides cutting-edge innovation that won’t tire over the
cabinet’s life. Also, choose a manufacturer that offers post- purchase support, including a warranty.
Other tips to keep in mind during and after the purchase of your new BSC include:
) Make sure the BSC fits the space and workflow
) Look for a BSC that includes features to support cleaning, such as a UV germicidal light and stainless- steel surfaces
) Ask questions such as what the power consumption is, if spares are readily available, the cost of filters, how long the warranty is, and if you really need to exhaust into the atmosphere
) Take advantage of training from the vendor once you’ve purchased the new BSC to ensure you and your staff use it properly
) Do a proper risk assessment through your biosafety office
) Consider the steps involved to safely decommission your lab’s old BSC, if needed. This may include fumigation and ensuring proper steps are taken to dispose of the instrument properly
How to ensure a long life for your new BSC
After you’ve made a purchasing decision for a new BSC, there are two simple tips some scientists suggest to ensure the longevity of the unit. The f irst is to have the BSC certified upon installation, and then at least once per year. Certifiers are also a great resource and can advise on any issues with a BSC that may pop up later in the cabinet’s life. The second tip is simple—clean the BSC regularly. This means wiping it down after each use, immediately after any spills, and performing a deep clean every few weeks.
While BSCs can run well for decades before needing replacement, features aimed at improving efficiency, safety, and ergonomics have become standard in modern models. If your BSC is more than 20 years old, it is time to evaluate how these new features could benefit your staff and lab’s workflows. It may be worth the investment.
Building a Custom Biosafety Cabinet Around Your Laboratory Automation Equipment
by Julianne L. Baron, PhD, CPH, RBP
What happens when your risk assessment identifies that the large equipment (3D bioprinters, cell sorters, automated liquid handlers, etc.) you plan to use requires a primary containment
device, such as a biosafety cabinet (BSC)? Will it safely fit inside a standard 6 ft. (1.8 m) BSC while still providing adequate containment? In some cases, a custom BSC designed specifically to fit around your equipment and your laboratory processes
may be necessary to provide sufficient personnel, product, and environmental protection. In this article, we will discuss:
How to determine if your equipment needs to be placed inside a custom biosafety cabinet
What equipment features and user requirements are im- portant discussion points for custom BSC design
Where to physically install a custom BSC in your lab space
Considerations for performance testing and field certifica- tion to ensure proper BSC airflow, operations, and contain- ment with the equipment inside
Custom biosafety cabinet risk assessment
When conducting a risk assessment for laboratory work involving biological materials, one important aspect is to review the procedural risk factors and laboratory processes that are going to be performed with the hazardous agent(s).1-4 This should include a review of specific laboratory equipment where biohazardous materials will be handled or processed. Additionally, the use of chemicals or radiological materials simultaneously along with the biological agents or in the same piece of equipment should
be considered as part of a complete risk assessment. For more detailed information about conducting thorough risk assessments, especially those involving risk mitigation using BSCs, consider reviewing references 1-4.
Small bench-top aerosol generating equipment such as blenders, sonicators, vortexers, grinders, and microcentrifuges may easily fit inside a primary containment device, like a BSC, without any necessary modifications to the containment device. However, other larger equipment used to work with biological materials may be too large or uniquely shaped to be placed inside a standard, off-the-shelf BSC model. The BSC selected must not only be able to physically contain the device but also be large enough to allow for adequate airflow around the equipment and provide the product, personnel, and environmental protections afforded by that type of BSC. Review of this equipment prior to purchase by laboratory users and safety subject matter experts
will facilitate consideration of the options for risk mitigation strategies for the work with this device. These discussions may also involve the equipment manufacturer and containment device manufacturer, however, ultimately the risk assessment and selected control measures are the responsibility of the user. These large pieces of equipment may present additional safety concerns including the spillage of fluids that are added to or produced by the equipment, the moving parts of the equipment, and ergonomic issues associated with manipulating materials or the equipment itself. Therefore, early consultation with safety professionals should be part of the risk assessment process
for the use of new or large equipment that may be used with biological agents or multiple types of hazardous materials.
Depending on the needs of the researcher, the equipment requiring containment, and the hazards associated, BSCs may require smaller modifications (such as an altered front sash to accommodate the eyepieces of a microscope, changes to the work surface to accommodate small equipment or containers, or the placement of a plate or shield in the center of the front sash and the BSC’s air intake opening such as for use with radiological materials2), or the BSC may need to be built from scratch for
the equipment and research process(es). Examples of pieces of equipment, depending on their size and shape, that may require custom BSCs include 3D bioprinters, syringe or capsule fillers, cell sorters or flow cytometers, fermenters or bioreactors, bulk weighing devices, and automated liquid handling equipment.
Considerations for your equipment and BSC design
Once it has been determined that the equipment needs a biocontainment solution and will not fit inside a standard biosafety cabinet, you should reach out to your selected BSC manufacturer to begin the custom design process. You
should be ready to discuss the specifications and needs of the equipment, processing steps, and requirements of the biological or other hazardous materials to be safely handled. You should get assistance from the equipment manufacturer and your safety subject matter experts to help consider the following items:
Equipment specifications
Likely the first consideration for a custom BSC is the dimensions of the equipment that needs to be contained inside the work zone. As mentioned previously, the custom BSC needs to not only adequately fit the piece or pieces of equipment but also still allow for proper functionality and the level of protection afforded by a Class II cabinet. This means that the equipment cannot impact the BSC’s air curtain or the HEPA-filtered downward laminar airflow provided to the
BSC’s work surface. Additionally, some of these larger pieces of equipment may be of substantial weight and exceed the recommended capacity of a traditional cabinet’s work surface or base stand. The NSF/ANSI 49 – 2020 Informative Annex 1 notes that the base stand and supports for the BSC should be
considered as part of the initial requirements assessment.3 In the custom BSC design process, the weight of the equipment may therefore lead the BSC manufacturer to install reinforcements to the work surface and/or base to accommodate the equipment.
In addition to its size and weight, the equipment may have additional specifications or requirements that must be evaluated during the custom design process. Is the equipment particularly sensitive to vibrations? Does the device need to be run at a particular temperature or does it generate significant amounts of heat? The work surfaces can be designed to provide additional stabilization against vibrations or to include heating or cooling coils to maintain the necessary temperature to run the equipment. Additionally, utility services
such as electrical outlets and vacuum or compressed air systems, should be carefully considered for use in BSCs.2,3 The equipment may need to be plugged into the BSC and this supply of power could be impacted by the BSC’s own electrical needs for its proper function.3 The electricity needs of the custom BSC with the equipment inside of it should be reviewed to ensure the laboratory facility can provide an adequate source of power with the right voltage and amperage to support the performance of both the BSC and the equipment running within it.
Work processes
Another topic to consider is the process or workflow that needs to be performed with the equipment contained inside the BSC. Mapping out a benchtop space with simulated equipment and materials and performing a test run of the laboratory process may be useful in determining the appropriate width and depth of work surface that is needed.3 Would it be useful to have space next to the equipment inside the BSC to prepare materials or samples that need to go into the equipment? Will biohazardous waste produced by the equipment need to be collected and stored in the BSC before being treated or prepared for disposal? This additional work surface width should be planned into the custom BSC design. Are there other pieces associated with, or connected to, the equipment that do not need to be housed within the BSC but should be nearby? For example, a computer tower or monitor that runs
the equipment or displays the output may need to be connected
to the equipment in the BSC work zone but may not itself require containment. It is possible to have negative pressure pass-throughs on the side(s) of the custom BSC to port tubing,
power cables, data cables, or other types of connections to non- contained, associated equipment. These ported devices may be placed on a lab bench next to the cabinet, depending on the lab’s layout. However, a shelf can be built on the exterior wall(s) of the custom BSC that can support this additional equipment if there is no existing casework, or if it is more convenient for the BSC user.
The need to access the equipment should also be evaluated when designing your custom BSC. Once the equipment is installed in the custom BSC work zone, does it ever need to be removed or will it remain permanently installed? If the equipment must be moved frequently or is particularly cumbersome to move, it may be possible to design the work surface in such a way that it can slide or roll out of the work
zone, allowing access to the equipment. Alternatively, the front of the BSC can be designed to open with double doors that swing outward, and the work surface can be placed on wheels so it can be easily removed from the cabinet with the equipment on it. The accessibility and removability of the equipment may also be important to ensure the device can be properly maintained, cleaned, or decontaminated. Additionally, consider whether the equipment needs to be accessible from multiple sides during normal operations and/or maintenance. It may be possible to allow for access to the equipment from several sides while it is in operation by having additional openings such as back or side access panels that are built into the BSC design, provided that
it is still possible to maintain adequate containment with these additional access openings.
Custom biosafety cabinet placement in the laboratory
Now that the dimensions, shape, technical specifications, and equipment adjacencies for the custom biosafety cabinet have been determined, it is important to consider the laboratory space this BSC is proposed to be installed into. There are several facility considerations for both the transportation through existing elevators, hallways, and doors3, as well as the connection to existing building mechanical and electrical systems.2,3 Depending on the size of the equipment contained inside, a custom BSC can become quite large. It is essential to evaluate whether the custom BSC can be moved into the laboratory as one, completely built device or if the BSC needs to be constructed in smaller modules that will require assembly once in place within the laboratory.
Also, for any BSCs that must be hard ducted or canopy connected to the building’s exhaust system, both the physical location and placement of those connection points along with the capacity of the building’s HVAC system must be considered before installing the cabinet.2,3 The
6 in [152 mm]
Minimum Clearance
3 ft [914 mm]
Minimum Clearance
location of existing supply and exhaust vents in the laboratory may limit the placement of the custom BSC or necessitate construction activities to provide a new exhaust connection that is in a more ideal location for the installation of this piece of equipment. The user should review the proposed custom BSC’s overall dimensions with their facilities management and/or engineering teams and the BSC manufacturer to come up with the best solution for the construction and installation of the cabinet into the laboratory.
When considering the optimal location for custom BSC installation, remember that generally biosafety cabinets should be installed:
Away from areas of personnel traffic, doors, air supply ventilation, windows, fans or air conditioning units, and chemical fume hoods or other equipment that may impact the BSC’s airflow
Such that there is adequate clearance on all sides of the BSC to access the equipment, access the cabinet itself for maintenance, allow for adequate airflow into and out of the BSC, and allow for airflow and filter testing of the BSC
Close to the location of an electrical outlet that can sup- port the BSC and its internal equipment load2,3,5
The access needs for the equipment inside the custom BSC were discussed in the previous section, but these considerations will also impact the location and placement of the cabinet within
the laboratory. If the work surface was designed to be moved in and out of the custom BSC, the BSC’s front face can be opened widely, or there are added back or side access panels or shelving permanently integrated into the structure of the BSC, the custom cabinet must be installed in the laboratory somewhere that these designed aspects can be appropriately utilized and operated.
If possible, it may also be beneficial to consider the need for a custom BSC when designing or renovating your laboratory space to allow for the necessary clearances, utilities, and access points to the cabinet. Additionally, since both the custom BSC and the equipment inside of it are likely to be difficult, if not logistically implausible, to remove from the lab once installed these devices need to be accounted for during whole room decontamination or fumigation. The compatibility of the custom BSC and its enclosed equipment with your proposed chemical disinfectants should be evaluated and reviewed by the lab user, a safety professional, and the equipment and/or BSC manufacturer(s).
?Figure 1 When deciding where in the laboratory to place your BSC, ensure a minimum clearance of 3 ft. (914 mm) in front of the cabinet and 6 in. (152 mm) from each side.
Certification and smoke testing
During the custom BSC design process, it is critical to ensure the cabinet will provide the necessary personnel, product, and environmental protection that it is being designed for once the equipment is installed in the BSC. The cabinet manufacturer can
perform testing using bacterial spores, aerosol tracers, or smoke to evaluate and visualize the custom BSC design and performance with a mock-up of the equipment inside. This may be requested by the user or considered by the BSC manufacturer if there are concerns about the custom BSC’s design. This equipment mock- up testing and visualization may lead to changes to the design to ensure adequate protection is provided by the device or to allow for easier certification of the cabinet. For example, the access openings of the custom BSC may need to be moved or altered to accommodate the equipment and maintain aerosol containment. Additionally, the BSC manufacturer may find that they need to segment the downflow diffuser screen that covers the HEPA filter located above the work surface so the screen can be more easily removed to allow a BSC field certifier to scan this HEPA filter while the equipment is in place.
As with standard Class II biosafety cabinets, once these custom BSCs are installed by the manufacturer or the user, they should be field certified by an accredited field certifier to ensure
they are functioning properly and maintaining containment based on testing instructions provided by the manufacturer.2,5 These instructions will often include mapping the downflow velocity, testing the BSC’s particle containment, measuring the airflow velocities, and the expected smoke patterns.5 Due to the complexity of custom cabinet design, the manufacturer will need to provide testing instructions and certification requirements both for when the custom BSC is empty and also
a methodology for certification when the equipment is installed in the custom BSC. The field certifier will need to evaluate and certify the custom BSC with an empty work zone and again with the equipment installed since the equipment’s placement will change the downflow grid for airflow testing. Subsequent custom BSC field certifications and any necessary maintenance may warrant surface decontamination of the equipment housed inside of the BSC or fumigation of the entire custom BSC prior to manipulating or disassembling it. As mentioned above, the material compatibility and disinfectant’s efficacy on biological agents in use in the BSC needs to be reviewed and evaluated before releasing the equipment for certification or maintenance activities. If the custom BSC will be used in the future for new or different equipment than it was designed for, additional smoke testing and consultation with the manufacturer may be required by the certifier to evaluate and certify the new configuration.2
The risk assessment and overall process necessary to design a custom BSC for a piece of equipment that requires containment involves many considerations about the contained equipment, the laboratory environment, the custom BSC, and BSC testing and field certification. These considerations include:
The equipment’s dimensions and weight, its sensitivity to vibrations, operating temperature requirements, necessary electrical voltage and amperage, and connection to elec- tricity or other utilities
The location of associated equipment and need for processing space
The need to access different sides of the equipment and whether the equipment is permanently installed in the BSC or should be easily removed
The need for connection to the building’s exhaust system and optimal location within the laboratory room
The custom BSC’s ability to contain aerosols and have its performance field certified
Common considerations for custom BSC design, placement, and certification are presented and detailed above, however, each custom cabinet design and installation will be different and unique based on the equipment, facility, and user needs. This article is intended to facilitate discussions and
considerations between the user, safety subject matter experts, the equipment manufacturer, and the BSC manufacturer. The goals of these discussions are to ensure the custom BSC is:
Designed to provide adequate containment, functionality, and access to the equipment installed within the BSC
Located in the lab where it can properly function, connect to the building’s utilities, and be operated by the user
Able to be field certified with the desired equipment inside the custom cabinet’s work zone
Given the many literal and metaphorical moving parts in the installation, operation, and certification of a custom biosafety cabinet, it is critically important that you approach the design process with an adequate understanding of each part and consult with the necessary experts from the very start.
Baron JL. (2022). Biosafety Cabinet Selection in the Context of Risk Assessment: en/resources/biosafety-cabinet-selection-in-the-con- text-of-risk-assessment-white-paper
CDC/NIH Biosafety in Microbiological and Biomedical Laboratories (BMBL) 6th Edition: labs/BMBL.html
3 NSF/ANSI 49-2022 Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Con- struction, Performance, and Field Certification Informa- tive Annex I-1: nsfansi492022annex
WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual: Risk Assess- ment monograph: item/9789240011458
WHO Laboratory Biosafety Manual: Biological Safety Cab- inets and Other Primary Containment Devices monograph:
Since 1971, NuAire has been committed to bringing you the highest quality, most dependable laboratory products on the market. We are recognized as one of the world’s leading providers of equipment for the most demanding environments, such as biosafety cabinets, CO2 incubators,
laminar airflow workstations, containment ventilated enclosures, ultralow temperature freezers, animal transfer stations, restricted access barrier systems, and custom containment solutions. As a NuAire customer, you can also rely on us for outstanding value and dependable service—the cornerstones of our reputation as a leading provider of laboratory products internationally.
Julianne L. Baron, PhD, CPH, RBP is the president of Science and Safety Consulting. Science and Safety Consulting provides biosafety and biorisk guidance and training to facilitate safe and secure biological research and to prepare organizations for infectious diseases and pandemics. Science and Safety Consulting also facilitates successful scientific communication for technical and non- technical audiences.
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