Let There Be Light: Designing Popmintchev LABS at UCSDby Thomas ClarkThe challenges of designing a cleanroom facility that meets strict environmental isolation requirements
NewsAn X-Ray View of Carbonby Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-RossendorfNew measurement method promises spectacular insights into the interior of planets
NewsSLAC's X-ray Laser Glimpses How Electrons Dance With Atomic Nuclei in Materialsby SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory“It has been a long-standing goal to understand, initiate and control these unusual behaviors,” says LCLS Director Mike Dunne
News'Schroedinger's Cat' Molecules Give Rise to Exquisitely Detailed Moviesby SLAC National Accelerator LaboratorySLAC, Stanford scientists exploit a famous bit of quantum weirdness to film a molecule’s inner life
NewsThe Controlling Lightby U.S. Department of EnergyVisible lasers offer exquisite control of x-ray light in a tabletop apparatus, potentially providing access to new insights to chemical reactions, proteins, and even atoms’ inner workings
NewsNew X-Ray Microscopy Technique Images Nanoscale Workings of Rechargeable Batteriesby Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryMethod developed at Berkeley Lab’s Advanced Light Source could help researchers improve battery performance
NewsWith Spiraling Light, SLAC X-ray Laser Offers New Glimpses of Moleculesby SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryNew Delta undulator helps scientists reveal fast changes in matter with subatomic detail
NewsFirst Movies of Droplets Getting Blown Up by X-ray Laserby SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryDetails revealed in SLAC footage will give researchers more control in X-ray laser experiments
NewsScientists Watch Bacterial Sensor Respond to Light in Real Timeby SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryLCLS X-ray laser takes snapshots of important reaction 1,000 times faster than ever before
NewsInnovation Boosts Study of Fragile Biological Samplesby SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryNew system sprang from a desire to better preserve ribosome crystals
NewsNew ‘Molecular Movie’ Reveals Ultrafast Chemistry in Motionby SLAC National Accelerator LaboratoryX-ray laser measures atomic-scale details of how ring-shaped gas molecule breaks open, unravels.