Speaking without Vocal Cords Thanks to a New AI-Assisted Wearable Deviceby University of California - Los AngelesAn adhesive neck patch is the latest advance by UCLA bioengineers in speech technology for people with disabilities
NewsResearchers Develop Stretchable OLED Displayby University of ChicagoA newly developed material can stretch more than twice its original length without disrupting its ability to emit light
NewsThread-Like Pumps Can Be Woven into Clothesby Ecole Polytechnique Federale de LausanneResearchers have developed fiber-like pumps that allow high-pressure fluidic circuits to be woven into textiles
NewsBreakthrough New Material Solves Problem of Wearable Sensorsby University of Massachusetts AmherstTeam develops all-fabric pressure sensor that works even when the pressure is pushing down on you
NewsThe Human Body as a 6G Antennaby Holden GalushaResearchers design a copper bracelet that harvests RF energy, opening the door to novel wearable devices
NewsResearchers Eye Embroidery as Low-Cost Solution for Making Wearable Electronicsby North Carolina State UniversityThe yarns were tested as motion sensors by embroidering them with the PTFE fabric on denim
NewsThe Bacteria Powering a Truly Green Revolution in Personal Electronicsby University of Massachusetts AmherstEngineers biofilm capable of producing long-term, continuous electricity from your sweat
NewsElectrospinning Promises Major Improvements in Wearable Technologyby American Institute of PhysicsPolymer-based fabrication of nanofibers with tunable properties takes wearables to the next level
NewsNew Research Harnesses the Power of Movementby Northumbria UniversityTurning day-to-day movements of the human body into useful electrical energy for wearable technology
NewsA New 3D Printing Frontier: Self-Powered Wearable Devicesby University of Notre DameInnovative hybrid printing method integrates functional and structural materials into single streamlined platform
NewsKirigami Cools Electronicsby Osaka UniversityWork from scientists in Japan may enable small, flexible electronic devices to operate without overheating