NewsCuriosity Promotes Biodiversityby University of BaselRecent study reveals exploratory behavior acts as a driver for evolution, finds caution is linked to specific genes
NewsPerfect Balance: How the Brain Fine-Tunes Its Sensitivityby University of BaselStudy uncovers how neuronal networks maintain balance, a potential key to understanding neurodevelopmental disorders
NewsSyphilis-Like Diseases Already Widespread in America before Columbus’s Arrivalby University of BaselPrehistoric DNA from bones dating over 2,000 years challenges historical theories of the origins of syphilis in America
NewsLight Color May Not Affect Internal Clock as Much as Previously Thoughtby University of BaselTo what extent does the color of light influence sleep?
NewsChromium Replaces Rare and Expensive Noble Metalsby University of BaselResearchers develop a compound that could replace osmium and ruthenium in luminescent materials
NewsTracing the Flow of Water with DNAby University of BaselEnvironmental DNA analysis of microbial communities can help us understand how a particular region’s water cycle works
NewsClimate Change Leads to Earlier Senescence in Alpine Plantsby University of BaselThe most common type of alpine grassland begins aging earlier when given an early start due to climate change
NewsNew Study Shows that the Cerebellum is Key to Remembering Emotional Experiencesby University of BaselKnown for managing movement, the cerebellum has been shown to play a role in emotional memory storage
NewsHow Society Thinks about Riskby University of BaselPsychologists have developed a new method of determining how risk is perceived within a society
NewsQuantum Network Nodes with Warm Atomsby University of BaselResearchers have developed a quantum memory based on atomic gas in a glass shell