For First Time, Speed of Sound Used to Measure Elasticity of Materialsby University of NottinghamThis will lead to new fields of research with regards to evaluating materials
NewsNew Proton 'Starter' for Optogeneticsby Moscow Institute of Physics and TechnologyResearchers described a new optogenetic tool—a protein called NsXeR, which belongs to the class of xenorhodopsins
NewsA Radiation-Free Approach to Imaging Molecules in the Brainby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNew probe induces blood flow changes that can be seen by MRI
Pittcon Announces Topics for Conferee Networking Sessionsby Other AuthorThe Pittcon Organizing Committee has recently announced the topics for Conferee Networking to be held at Pittcon 2013, which will be in Philadelphia, PA, at the Pennsylvania Convention Center from March 17-21, 2013.
Product News10 Tips to Improve Your Pipetting Techniqueby ArtelOf all the factors contributing to the performance of a pipette, the most critical are the skill and expertise of the operator.