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Articles by Steve Koppes University of Chicago News Office

Shape-Shifting Molecule Tricks Viruses into Mutating Themselves to Death

by Steve Koppes University of Chicago News Office
A newly developed spectroscopy method is helping to clarify the poorly understood molecular process by which an anti-HIV drug induces lethal mutations in the virus’ genetic material. The findings from the University of Chicago and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology could bolster efforts to develop the next generation of anti-viral treatments.

Invention Jet-prints Nanostructures with Self-assembling Material

by Steve Koppes University of Chicago News Office
A multi-institutional team of engineers has developed a new approach to the fabrication of nanostructures for the semiconductor and magnetic storage industries. This approach combines top-down advanced ink-jet printing technology with a bottom-up approach that involves self-assembling block copolymers, a type of material that can spontaneously form ultrafine structures.