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Water Purification Resource Guide

The purpose of water purification systems is to remove contaminants from tap water, including inorganic ions, organics, colloids, gases, bacteria, and proteases to ensure the accuracy of experimental results. Depending on your applications and the space you have in your lab, there are many different filtration types, water purification techniques, and system configurations that could work best.

Download eBook

 In this eBook you will learn: 

  • Questions to ask when buying a water purification system
  • How water contaminants impact lab analyses
  • Selecting the right water purification system for your lab
  • Optimizing your water purification system
  • Water purity for spectrophotometry applications

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Purchasing Guide: Spectroscopy

by Lab Manager
When purchasing, consider what detection range you will require for your sample type and look for instruments that are sensitive, accurate, and consistent

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