This Lab Aims to Improve the World through Big Databy Lauren EverettResearch at the Data Science for Social Good Lab covers inequality and diversity, public health, smart cities, and sustainability
NewsSocietal Polarization and Risk Perception Could Affect Climate Policyby Santa Fe InstituteHigh polarization and low risk perception can make top-down policies backfire
NewsDiscrimination May Increase Rate of Agingby New York UniversityMolecular signs of biological aging linked to experiences of interpersonal discrimination
NewsHow Much Trust Do People Have in Different Types of Scientists?by University of AmsterdamStudy assesses how people feel about 45 different scientific fields and finds that trust varies greatly across them
NewsResearchers Overestimate Their Own Honestyby Linköping UniversityMost researchers believe they are better than average at following good research practices, especially in medicine
NewsSuccessful Employer-Driven Disability Initiatives Help Individuals and Companiesby IOS PressResearch shows positive effects of impactful initiatives on disabled and non-disabled employees, and corporate climate
NewsHiring the Most Qualified Candidate Might Be Unfairby American Psychological AssociationKnowing about socioeconomic disparities impacts fairness perceptions, study finds
NewsHow a Walk in Nature Restores Attentionby University of UtahNeural research uses EEG to measure brain activity on subjects after walks through nature and parking lots
NewsHigh Time to Rethink How We Define Scientific Expertise and Authorityby The Polish Association of Social PsychologyPsychologists argue for shifting away from the individualistic view of scientific authority, toward collective expertise
NewsWomen Helping Women: Female Mentors Guide Businesswomen to Greater Successby University of Notre DameStudy shows that a simple yet powerful new policy tool would provide a significant benefit to female entrepreneurs
NewsLearning for Life: The Higher the Education Level, the Lower the Risk of Dyingby Norwegian University of Science and TechnologyScientists estimate every year of education reduces mortality by two percent