How to Stay Awake (Without Caffeine)by American Chemical SocietyDiscover some tips and tricks for staying alert in this Americal Chemical Society video
NewsEnergy Drinks Linked to Poor Sleep Quality and Insomnia among College Studentsby BMJ-British Medical JournalEven just the occasional can is linked to heightened risk of disturbed sleep
NewsPulling an All-Nighter? Don’t Follow with an Important Decisionby University of OttawaResearch gives insight into importance of sleep on cognitive performance and emotional well-being
NewsDaylight Saving Time Saves Lives and Could Save Moneyby University of SurreyThe extra hour of daylight reduces road accidents by 15 percent during the day
NewsEarly Morning University Classes Correlate with Poor Academic Performanceby Duke-NUS Medical SchoolAnalysis of tens of thousands of students shows correlation between early classes, less sleep, and reduced GPA
NewsArtificial Neural Networks Learn More Effectively When Designed to Mimic Human Sleepby Holden GalushaUsing “spike networks,” scientists were able to prevent an artificial neural network from overwriting information
NewsGetting Less Sleep Makes People Less Likely to Help Othersby PLOSThe decision to help people depends on sleep at individual, group, and even societal levels
NewsScrap the Nap: Study Shows Short Naps Don’t Relieve Sleep Deprivationby Michigan State UniversityStudy shows that short naps are ineffective in mitigating the dangerous cognitive effects of sleep deprivation
NewsSleep-Deprived Individuals Less Forthcoming With Informationby Iowa State UniversityStudy is one of the first to look at how sleep affects behavior during interrogations or interviews
NewsStudy: Don't Count On Caffeine to Fight Sleep Deprivationby Michigan State UniversityResearch assesses how effective caffeine is in counteracting the negative effects of sleep deprivation on cognition, showing that it only gets you so far
NewsCannabis Proven to Help Insomniacs Sleepby University of Western AustraliaResearchers used a randomized approach to assess the ability of the cannabis formulation to treat patients diagnosed with chronic insomnia symptoms