How to Stay Awake (Without Caffeine)by American Chemical SocietyDiscover some tips and tricks for staying alert in this Americal Chemical Society video
Diabetes Drug Shows Promise as a Therapy for a Sleep-Related Disorderby University of California - San Diego
New Research Sheds Light on the Role of Sleep in Forming Memoriesby Michigan Medicine - University of Michigan,Kelly Malcolm
NewsNeurons Both Replay Past Events and Forecast Future Onesby Rice University,Silvia Cernea ClarkNew research offers real-time observation of neuroplasticity during sleep
NewsLight Color May Not Affect Internal Clock as Much as Previously Thoughtby University of BaselTo what extent does the color of light influence sleep?
NewsPulling an All-Nighter? Don’t Follow with an Important Decisionby University of OttawaResearch gives insight into importance of sleep on cognitive performance and emotional well-being
NewsNew Position Statement Supports Permanent Standard Timeby American Academy of Sleep MedicineDaylight saving time increases the risks to our mental and physical well-being
NewsJunk Food May Impair Our Deep Sleepby Uppsala UniversityQuality of the participants' deep sleep deteriorated after an unhealthy diet compared to a healthy one
NewsEarly Morning University Classes Correlate with Poor Academic Performanceby Duke-NUS Medical SchoolAnalysis of tens of thousands of students shows correlation between early classes, less sleep, and reduced GPA
NewsNew Study on the Circadian Clock of the Fruit Flyby University of MünsterResearchers demonstrate the importance of transporting a "clock protein" for temperature compensation
NewsArtificial Neural Networks Learn More Effectively When Designed to Mimic Human Sleepby Holden GalushaUsing “spike networks,” scientists were able to prevent an artificial neural network from overwriting information
NewsNew Material Mimics Neural Activity Associated with Learning and Memoryby Holden GalushaNew technique in neuromorphic computing opens doors for studying neural processes and may establish new computing paradigm
NewsSleeping Medications Used for Insomnia May Combat Drug and Alcohol Addictionby Rutgers UniversityResearch shows how changes in the brain promote drug-seeking behavior and why some insomnia medications may block it