One Innovator's Serpentine Journey to Solving Heat Crises and Saving Livesby Jonathan Klane, M.S.Ed., CIH, CSP, CHMM, CITKonrad Rykaczewski, PhD, is drawing on a diverse set of experiences to develop new cooling methods
NewsCybersecurity Education Varies Widely in USby Washington State UniversityResearchers have found a huge variation from school to school on how much cybersecurity content is required for students to take
NewsDiverse College Classrooms Linked to Better STEM Learning Outcomesby American Educational Research AssociationUnderrepresented racial minorities and first-generation students show the most improvement
NewsNew Research Suggests Peer-Advisor Relationship Is Key to Successby Utah State UniversityStrengthening the student/advisor relationship can help the student build a stronger identity with their discipline
NewsAre Wildlife Documentaries Showing Us the ‘Real’ Natural World?by University of CambridgeWildlife documentaries miss an opportunity to highlight the diversity of nature by focusing too much on vertebrates
NewsBlack Girls Benefit Most When STEM Teachers Train Upby Rice UniversityWhen science teachers employ inquiry-based learning, students become more likely to continue on in STEM
NewsResearchers Make Recommendations for Diversifying Syllabi in Higher Educationby Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology - University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignNew research suggests numerous different tools to help instructors build more diverse syllabi
NewsCOVID-19 Conspiracy Theories Could Be a “Gateway” to More Conspiraciesby PLOSUS and UK study participants were drawn deeper into conspiracy theory belief over time
NewsNew Research Demonstrates How AI Can Streamline Writing Assignments for Students and Teachersby Holden GalushaUsing natural language processing, researchers from Penn State developed a program that offers instant essay feedback
NewsLive Chat Boosts College Women’s Class Participationby University of Nevada Las VegasResearch seeks ways to fold virtual class-inspired feature into post-pandemic return to in-person STEM instruction
NewsUniversities Love Interdisciplinary STEM Programs, but What about Students?by University of Massachusetts AmherstNew research led by UMass Amherst is first to examine interdisciplinary programs from a student angle