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CO2 Incubators Resource Guide

CO2 Incubators Resource Guide

Incubators are critical instruments for growing a variety of organisms in the lab. They range from non gassed incubators, also called microbiology incubators, that primarily control temperature, to CO2 incubators or tri-gas incubators, those that control CO2 and O2 levels (using nitrogen as a third gas input), to create optimal environments for cell and tissue culture. Refrigerated options are also available for numerous other applications. 

Download eBook

In this eBook, you’ll learn about:

  • Questions to ask when buying a CO2 incubator
  • Finding the perfect CO2 incubator for your lab’s needs
  • Incubators and shakers: navigating the used market
  • How to prevent biological contamination in your CO2 incubators
  • Comparing cooling technology in refrigerated incubators
  • Incubating shakers control temperature and RPMs over a wide range

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