Multiomics: Bridging the Gaps in Biological Researchby Morgana Moretti, PhDExpanding beyond genomics and transcriptomics can produce richer data sets and generate deeper biological insights
News‘Unheard of in Structural Biology’: New Enzyme Models Reveal Disease InsightsScientists create atomic-level structural models of enzymes associated with autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
NewsMIT Scientists Use a New Type of Nanoparticle to Make Vaccines More Powerfulby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMetal-organic particles can deliver vaccines and act as an adjuvant to generate a strong immune response at a lower dose
App NoteComparison of Mass Spectrometry and Next-Generation Protein Sequencing Analysis by Quantum-SiHow new approaches in protein sequencing address the inherent challenges of mass spectrometry
App NoteIn-Gel Digestion Procedure for Protein Sequencingby Quantum-SiIn-gel digestion simplifies sequencing-based protein identification workflow
App NoteUnraveling the Complexities of Protein Function: A New Approach to Detecting PTMs by Quantum-SiAn innovative technique addresses the challenges in detecting critical post-translational modifications in proteins
ArticleNew Opportunities in Proteomicsby Maria Rosales Gerpe, PhDA snapshot of technologies like single-molecule protein sequencing and their impact in proteomics research accessibility
NewsIlluminating the Invisibleby University of Pennsylvania School of Engineering and Applied ScienceNew molecular tool brings the smallest protein clusters into focus
NewsUsing Generative AI to Design Novel Proteinsby University of TorontoResearchers use the same tech behind DALL-E and Midjourney to generate protein
NewsTackling Infectious Disease—One Protein at a Timeby Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryPNNL scientist part of Pacific Northwest team that has solved 1,000 protein structures
NewsNew Studies Power Legacy of UW-Madison Mitochondrial Researchby University of Wisconsin-MadisonIt was the yellow color of the solution, pulled from cauliflower, that set Frederick Crane’s hallmark achievement into its final motion.