Removing Barriers in a University Chemistry Labby MaryBeth DiDonnaThe Shaw Research Group at Baylor University receives NIH grant to improve accessibility to chemistry work
NewsNew Study Discovers How Altered Protein Folding Drives Multicellular Evolutionby University of HelsinkiResearchers have discovered a mechanism steering the evolution of multicellular life
App NoteIn-Gel Digestion Procedure for Protein Sequencingby Quantum-SiIn-gel digestion simplifies sequencing-based protein identification workflow
NewsMusicians, Chemists Use Sound to Better Understand Scienceby University of Illinois at Urbana-ChampaignResearchers are using sonification to depict biochemical processes and better understand how they happen
NewsNew Method Speeds up Simulations, Giving New Insights into Protein Foldingby American Institute of PhysicsResearchers have combined existing methods to optimize simulations and better reflect the physical process of protein folding