Recycling Lab Plastics: Success Storiesby Lauren EverettStart-ups and local programs are overcoming the barriers currently limiting large-scale recycling of plastic waste generated by labs
Lower Your Carbon Footprint Without Workflow Disruption with Remanufactured Lab Plasticsby Polycarbin
NewsLifetime of ‘Biodegradable’ Straws in the Ocean Is 8–20 Months, Study Findsby American Chemical SocietySwitching to foam-based material could drastically reduce the amount of time straws spend biodegrading in the ocean
NewsScientists Develop Antimicrobial, Plant-Based Food Wrap to Replace Plasticby Rutgers UniversityStarch-based fibers enhance protection and reduce spoilage
NewsLong Lasting Anti-Fogging Coating for Plastic Surfaces That ‘Self-Cleans’by Nanyang Technological UniversityNewly developed coating was able to break down contaminants on the plastic surface after a full day of UV light exposure
WhitepaperLeachable-Free Pipette Tipsby SartoriusPrevent chemical compounds from inhibiting cell-based, biochemical, and biological assays