Floating Solar Panels Could Power Entire Countriesby Bangor UniversityWhile promising, further research into floating photovoltaics is needed
A Review of the Latest Metal Sulfide-Based Heterojunction Photocatalystsby Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics
Record-Breaking Tandem Solar Cell Now with Precise Scientific Explanationsby Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin
NewsCooling Down Solar Cells, Naturallyby American Institute of PhysicsPhotovoltaics are more efficient when they operate at lower temperatures
NewsUltrathin Solar Cells Promise Improved Satellite Performanceby American Institute of PhysicsRadiation damage to photovoltaics in orbit can be reduced by making the cells thinner
NewsBuilding Blocks of the Future for Photovoltaicsby University of GöttingenResearch team observes formation of "dark" moiré interlayer excitons for the first time
NewsA General Approach to High-Efficiency Perovskite Solar Cellsby Dresden University of TechnologyScientists have identified that fundamental processes that occur during the perovskite film formation strongly influence the reproducibility of the photovoltaic devices
NewsSettling a Long-Standing Debate About Photovoltaic Materialsby Ames LaboratoryResearch thus far hypothesized that the materials' extraordinary electronic, magnetic, and optical properties are related to the Rashba effect
NewsExciting Tweaks for Organic Solar Cellsby Kyoto UniversityMolecular changes could improve the efficiency of next-generation photovoltaics
NewsScientists Discover Material Ideal for Smart Photovoltaic Windowsby Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeley Lab researchers make thermochromic windows with perovskite solar cell
NewsTweaking Quantum Dots Powers-Up Double-Pane Solar Windowsby Los Alamos National LaboratoryEngineered quantum dots could bring down the cost of solar electricity
NewsPrototype Shows How Tiny Photodetectors Can Double Their Efficiencyby University of California - RiversideUC Riverside research invokes quantum mechanical processes that occur when two atomically thin materials are stacked together
Product NewsHORIBA Scientific Introduces New Uvisel Plus, the Reference Ellipsometer for Thin Film Measurementsby HORIBA ScientificNew Uvisel Plus includes the next generation of FastAcq technology with increased measurement accuracy