Advances in Biomaterials: Engineering the Future of Healthcareby Morgana Moretti, PhDInnovations in biomaterials enable better medical treatments and personalized healthcare solutions
PosterImprove AAV Product Recovery for Gene Therapy with Anion Exchange Polishingby CytivaAvoid low full capsid yields with a novel, industry-verified polishing procedure
Resource GuideEffective AAV Processing Advances Gene Therapy Prospects by CytivaRecent improvements make AAV scale-up feasible for clinical applications
NewsResearchers Find Links between Lupus and Genetic Mutationsby University of California - Berkeley,Robert SandersThis discovery may lead to personalized treatments
NewsSea Slugs Inspire Highly Stretchable Biomedical Sensorby University of Southern CaliforniaStretchable, customizable microneedles have applications in neuroscience, tissue engineering, wearable bioelectronics
NewsNew AI Model Predicts Response to Chemotherapy in Female Breast Cancer Patientsby Holden GalushaThis AI may help oncologists develop individual treatment plans better suited to each patient
NewsResearchers Combine New Technologies to Examine Blood Proteins in COVID-19 Patientsby Lawson Health Research InstituteNew findings on blood proteins may help develop personalized COVID-19 treatments
NewsPersonalized Disease Predictions for Chronic Blood Cancersby Wellcome Trust Sanger InstituteScientists developed a successful method to make truly personalized predictions of future disease outcomes for patients with certain types of chronic blood cancers
NewsNovel Concepts for the Diagnosis of Fatty Liver and Personalized Treatmentby Deutsches Zentrum für Diabetesforschung DZDResearchers compile key data from NAFLD research in a review article
NewsShould All Babies Have Their Genomes Sequenced?by University of California - San DiegoHastings Center Report, co-edited by UCSF bioethicist, outlines ethics and policy recommendations on genome-wide sequencing of newborns
InsightsData-Driven Advances in Precision Medicine Target Cardiovascular Diseaseby Sophie Laurenson, PhDLarge and diverse data sets help clinical labs tailor treatments