New Insight into Why Breastfed Babies Have Improved Immune Systemsby University of BirminghamUp until now, the immunological mechanisms responsible for these effects have been very poorly understood
Consuming Sugary Beverages While Breastfeeding Affects Cognitive Development in Childrenby Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
NewsMost Infants Are Well Even When Moms Are Infected by COVID-19by University of California - San FranciscoUCSF study shows reassuring initial findings for infant health
NewsNew Insight Into How Breast Milk Boosts the Immune Systemby University of BonnAlarmins have a positive post-natal impact on the development of intestinal flora and the immune system
NewsInfants in Households With Very Low Food Security May Have Greater Obesity Riskby Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public HealthLow food security now widespread in the US due to the COVID-19 crisis
NewsReport: Mother Transmitted COVID-19 to Baby during Pregnancyby UT Southwestern Medical CenterAlthough both mother and baby recovered, the case highlights the importance of limiting COVID-19 exposure for pregnant women
NewsEarly Neural Activity Associated with Autismby ElsevierEEG measurements in infants predicted ASD symptoms in toddlers
NewsResearchers Find New Way to Detect Blood Clotsby Texas A&M UniversityTexas A&M biomedical engineering researchers designed a medical device that mimics blood vessels to design and monitor drugs for patients with clotting disorders
NewsResearch Points to Treatment for COVID-19 Cytokine Stormsby Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical CenterHow mice that model immune disease's cytokine storms may point to solution for global pandemic
NewsCould COVID-19 Be Infecting More Children Than Expected?by University of South FloridaA new study estimates that for each child who requires intensive care for COVID-19, there are 2,381 children infected with the virus
NewsCOVID-19 Research Indicates Infection is Less Severe in Childrenby Rachel MuenzBased on data from China in February 2020, researchers say the impacts of COVID-19 on children appear to be minimal
NewsAI May Help Spot Newborns at Risk for Most Severe Form of Blinding Diseaseby National Eye InstituteNEI-funded device under FDA review; AI-based metrics bring clarity to aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity diagnosis