Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business


Selecting a Multi-Vendor Service Provider

by Lab Manager
Lab Manager has secured a leading service provider to discuss their perspective and share case studies concerning when and why a centralized, integrated service model should be implemented in your lab

New Startup Axcend Announces the Axcend Focus LC—a Small, Lightweight, Mobile Gradient Liquid Chromatograph Designed to Transform Chemical Analysis

by Axcend
Designed from the ground up as a nano-flow liquid chromatograph, the Axcend Focus LC measures ~30x20x20cm, weighs ~5.4kg (12 lbs.), operates on battery or electrical outlet power, and delivers visual/statistical output to any Web-connected smartphone, tablet or personal computer with 100X greater sensitivity and as little as 1/500th the volumes of solvents and waste

Choosing the Right Option for Laboratory Services

by Tanuja Koppal, PhD
Ike Harper, director for laboratory innovation at Johnson & Johnson, talks to contributing editor Tanuja Koppal, PhD, about the advantages of consolidating lab services with one provider. He explains in great
detail the steps taken at J&J to ensure that the right process and vendor were put in place in order to give the program the time and opportunity it needed to succeed. He emphasizes the need for external validation as well as internal communication and collaboration to get the necessary buy-in and support from the key people involved.

Perspective On: A Mobile Training Lab

by Jen Sprance
Launched in 2006 in part to solidify North Carolina's standing as a national biotech hub, the BioNetwork mobile laboratory is outfitted with life science workstations, specialized equipment, and experienced faculty.