Introducing a New Lab Safety Management Certificate Programby Scott D. Hanton, PhDLearn the fundamentals of leading a lab safety program
The Benefits of Continuing Education for Personal Growth and Team Effectivenessby Jonathan Klane, M.S.Ed., CIH, CSP, CHMM, CIT
Product NewsInnovative Products Exhibited at Pittcon 2024by Scott D. Hanton, PhDEditor’s choice of the new products shown at this year’s conference
ArticleTraining and Development Opportunities for Lab Managersby Scott D. Hanton, PhDOnline certificate for lab management gives you the tools to lead your teams and business more effectively
ArticleThe Importance of Leadership Training and Developmentby Scott D. Hanton, PhDLab managers of any experience level can benefit from additional learning
NewsIntensive Lab Experiences and Online Learning during COVID-19by WileyA short but intensive time period in the field may be better than the traditional low intensity weekly lab structure, scientists say
NewsThe Benefits of Teaching Forensic Science Virtuallyby Rutgers UniversityRutgers-Camden’s Kimberlee Moran makes strides in online learning and opens course to Rutgers Law School students for first time
NewsSTEM Students Learn as Well Online as in Classroomsby Cornell UniversityA recent study tracked more than 300 students in Russia, where top universities standardize online classes for use by institutions with fewer resources
ArticleAsk Linda: Staff Trainingby Lab ManagerInvesting in staff training will help your lab strengthen its competitive position
Article21st-Century Safety Solutionsby Matt AirhartNew cloud-based software eases the burden of safety training
ArticleRepetition + Reinforcement = Retention: Online Training Is the Keyby Patricia FrippNeuroscience research and experience indicate that with only one exposure to new material, we quickly forget most of what we learned
New Online Learning System Offers Lab Professionals Greater Flexibilityby Agilent TechnologiesAgilent Technologies launches anywhere, anytime courses for improved laboratory operations