NewsGene Linked to Epilepsy, Autism Decoded in New Studyby Northwestern UniversityChanges in SCN2A gene affect age of seizure onset, severity of other neurological impairments in affected children
NewsWhen Lab-Trained AI Meets the Real World, Mistakes Can Happenby Northwestern UniversityTissue contamination distracts AI models from making accurate real-world diagnoses
NewsCut Salt, Cut Blood Pressureby Northwestern UniversityMost everyone can lower blood pressure by reducing salt, even those on BP drugs
NewsHuman Disease Simulator Lets Scientists Choose Their Own Adventureby Northwestern UniversityCan test drugs on ‘humans’ without risk, and study what drives diseases
NewsScientists Want to Bridge Public Divideby Northwestern UniversityInvestments in outreach may improve diversity, trust in science
NewsMussels’ Underwater Glue Inspires Synthetic Cementby Northwestern UniversityResearchers use nature’s strongest secrets to build even stronger biomaterials
NewsBacteria Upcycle Carbon Waste into Valuable Chemicalsby Northwestern UniversityEngineered bacteria convert captured carbon dioxide into chemicals for fuels, fabric, and cosmetics
NewsMonte Carlo Simulations Enable Images of Radiation-Sensitive Soft Nanomaterialsby Northwestern UniversityNew findings enable first direct, real-time images of radiation-sensitive soft nanomaterials in organic solvents
NewsPandemic’s Effect on Scientists May Be Long Lasting, Study Findsby Northwestern UniversityAlthough productivity has been mostly restored, initiation of new projects has dramatically declined
NewsMaterial Protects Against Both Biological and Chemical Threatsby Northwestern UniversityVersatile fabric is effective against the virus that causes COVID-19