Nanotubes, Nanoparticles, and Antibodies Detect Tiny Amounts of Fentanylby University of PittsburghNewly developed sensor is six orders of magnitude more sensitive than the next best thing
Unveiling Oxidation-Induced Superelasticity in Metallic Glass Nanotubesby City University of Hong Kong
NewsScientists Use Surfactant to Help Make 'Inert' Templates for Nanotube Growthby Tokyo Metropolitan UniversityBoron nitride nanotube dispersal helps reveal exotic properties of new 1D materials
NewsNew Megalibrary Approach Proves Useful for the Rapid Discovery of New Materialsby Northwestern UniversityNovel discovery tool is a potential game changer in the development of new technologies
NewsNanotubes Change the Shape of Waterby Rice UniversityRice University engineers show how water molecules square up in nanotubes
NewsWheat Gets Boost from Purified Nanotubesby Rice UniversityRice University toxicity study shows plant growth enhanced by—but only by—purified nanotubes
NewsHeavy Metals in Water Meet Their Matchby Rice UniversityRice University research shows reusable, carbon nanotube-reinforced filters clean toxins from water
NewsCaptured on Video: DNA Nanotubes Build a Bridge between Two Molecular Postsby Phil Sneiderman-Johns Hopkins University News OfficeResearch may lead to new lines of direct communication with living cells
NewsNature-Inspired Nanotubes That Assemble Themselves, with Precisionby Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryBerkeley Lab scientists discover another design principle for building nanostructures
NewsScientists Stretch Electrically Conducting Fibers to New Lengthsby University of Texas at DallasResearchers wrap nanotubes around rubber core, sparking a creation that may lead to artificial muscles, sensors
NewsBuilding Tailor-Made DNA Nanotubes Step by Stepby McGill UniversityNew, block-by-block assembly method could pave way for applications in opto-electronics, drug delivery.
NewsImprovements in MRIs, Passenger Screening, Other Image-Detection Applications on the Horizonby Sandia National LaboratoriesSandia, Rice University, Tokyo Institute of Technology developing terahertz detectors with carbon nanotubes.