A new manufacturing technique uses a process similar to newspaper printing to form smoother and more flexible metals for making ultrafast electronic devices
Technique uses photons, fundamental components of light, to measure nanoscopic materials thinner than 100,000th the width of a human hair—with 30,000 fired per second and 500bn throughout
Using SLAC’s X-ray laser, researchers have made the detailed 3-D images of nanoscale biology, with future applications in the study of air pollution, combustion, and catalytic processes
The labs of Cécile Hébert and Pascal Fua at EPFL have developed an electron microscopy method that can obtain 3D images of complex curvilinear structures without needing to tilt the sample
A Washington University team, led by Lan Yang, the Edwin H. & Florence G. Skinner Professor of Electrical & Systems Engineering, has made major strides recently in the study and manipulation of light
An electron microscope-based lithography system for patterning materials at sizes as small as a single nanometer could be used to create and study materials with new properties
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