The Thermo Scientific HAA9 Disinfection By-Products (HAAs) Application Workflow ensures accurate and reproducible determination of haloacetic acids in drinking water samples
Thermo Scientific Dionex Easion ion chromatography system makes everyday ion analysis simpler, while reducing total cost of ownership and need for maintenance
In a research collaboration with Sydney Water, the team has demonstrated the success of the approach in laboratory tests on filtered water from the Nepean Water Filtration Plant in western Sydney
Lake Erie has become increasingly susceptible to large blooms of toxin-producing cyanobacteria since 2002, potentially complicating efforts to rein in the problem in the wake of this year's Toledo drinking water crisis, according to a new study led by University of Michigan researchers.
Americans love their dogs, but they don’t always love to pick up after them. And that’s a problem. Dog feces left on the ground wash into waterways, sometimes carrying bacteria — including antibiotic-resistant strains — that can make people sick. Now scientists have developed a new genetic test to figure out how much dogs are contributing to this health concern, according to a report in the American Chemical Society journal Environmental Science & Technology.