Workplace Diversity Can Help the Bottom Lineby Peter Dizikes-MIT News OfficeMIT economist scrutinizes firm data suggesting diverse offices function more effectively
NewsMIT Energy Initiative Study Reports on the Future of Nuclear Energyby MIT Energy InitiativeFindings suggest new policy models and cost-cutting technologies could help nuclear play vital role in climate solutions
NewsBiomedical Imaging at One-Thousandth the Costby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyMathematical modeling enables $100 depth sensor to approximate the measurements of a $100,000 piece of lab equipment
NewsAutomating Big-Data Analysisby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologySystem that replaces human intuition with algorithms outperforms 615 of 906 human teams
NewsThe Massive Impact of Neutrino Researchby MIT Laboratory for Nuclear SciencePhysicist Joseph Formaggio discusses the significance of this year’s Nobel Prize in physics, MIT’s involvement in neutrino research.
NewsSaving Rural India’s “Liquid Cash”by Rob MathesonMIT spinout’s milk-chillers reduce spoilage and boost yields in villages
NewsCutting Cost and Power Consumption for Big Databy Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNew network design exploits cheap, power-efficient flash memory without sacrificing speed
NewsTiny Origami Robotby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyControlled by magnetic fields, tiny robot climbs inclines, swims, and carries loads twice its weight
NewsFreshly Squeezed Vaccinesby Koch Institute for Integrative Cancer Research at MITMicrofluidic cell-squeezing device opens new possibilities for cell-based vaccines.
NewsFibers Made by Transforming Materialsby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyNew approach could enable low-cost silicon devices in fibers that could be made into fabrics
NewsHow to Prevent Metal Embrittlementby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyAnalysis shows certain crystal boundaries can enhance, or reduce, hydrogen’s damaging effects.