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Mettler Toledo

Good Titration Practice in Petrochemicals: METTLER TOLEDO Provides Expert Guidance on the Testing of Petrochemicals

The varied uses and products of petrochemicals in our daily lives are only rivaled by the number of quality tests performed on them. Some of the most common analyses are titrations. The comprehensive Good Titration Practice (GTP®) in Petrochemicals webinar from METTLER TOLEDO offers insights into method programming, hardware, and operation of potentiometric and Karl Fischer titrators specifically for petrochemical products.

METTLER TOLEDO’s Weighing Standard Ensures USP Compliance

On the 3rd June, 2013, United States Pharmacopeia (USP) published the revised mandatory Chapter 41 on balances as well as new updates to the advisory Chapter 1251. With just six months to comply, METTLER TOLEDO’s global weighing standard, GWP®, can help pharmaceutical manufacturers and suppliers to meet the new requirements.

New White Paper on Pipetting Ergonomics Aims to Protect Researchers

Pipetting is a forceful and repetitive activity, and there is a strong association between pipetting and the occurrence of repetitive motion injuries. In fact, pipetting for just over an hour a day over the course of a year is enough to put researchers at risk, and the chances increase exponentially with workload and age. A new white paper can help researchers avoid such injuries.