In recent years, laboratories have begun leaning toward the preferential use of gas generators as opposed to traditional gas cylinders. This is primarily due to the many safety hazards associated with the handling and storage of gas cylinders. Gas generators not only match up to gas cylinders in their provision of an uninterrupted supply of gas but are also a safer alternative that eliminates the need for cylinder replacements and the associated downtime. As an important tool used for several processes, proper care and maintenance of gas generators can go a long way to ensuring prolonged lifespan and optimal performance. This, in turn, averts circumstances surrounding laboratory downtime and unnecessary costs while ensuring operational efficiency.
Download this article to learn more about:
- How to make your lab safer through use of a well-maintained gas generator
- Reducing catastrophic equipment failure and preventing major repairs
- Optimizing operational performance and extending gas generator longevity
- Alleviating laboratory downtime and forecasting upkeep costs

Regular maintenance and consistent operating conditions can prolong the lifespan of your gas generator
Various lab devices such as gas chromatograph- mass spectrometers (GC-MS), gas analyzers, electron microscopes, ion mobility spectrometers, and so on, require a consistent and reliable supply of clean, dry gas for optimal performance. Traditionally, high pressure gas cylinders have been utilized for the supply of carrier gases such as hydrogen, helium, and nitrogen for laboratories.
Helium is widely used for GC experiments, while hydrogen and nitrogen are now being sought as equal, if not better, and more sustainable alternatives. Hydrogen’s high diffusivity results in greater linear velocities and shorter analyses while nitrogen provides the best possible separation efficiencies at the lowest velocities.
The biggest issue concerning carrier gases involves lab safety. Safety hazards associated with the handling
and storage of gas cylinders remain a persistent issue. Gas generators match these conditions to a tee and can provide carrier gases at various pressures, flow rates, and operating temperatures.
Unlike pressurized cylinders or tanks, gas generators provide an uninterrupted supply of gas and do not require replacement once empty. Rather than storing hydrogen under pressure in a tank, a hydrogen gas gen- erator would hold very little gas and make the carrier gas on an as needed basis. As such, gas generators are a much safer alternative.
Preventative maintenance of gas generators can go a long way in helping prolong their lifespan. There are various reasons why regular maintenance of gas generator equipment is important:
Reduce the probability of catastrophic equipment failure
Prevent major repairs by catching issues early
Extend system and component life
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Ensure maximum operational efficiency of equipment
Prevent unnecessary costs and unscheduled repairs
Assist in identifying parts that require replacement before a breakdown occurs
Reduce equipment downtime and sample run interruptions
Forecast equipment upkeep costs
With nitrogen generators, it is generally recommend- ed against operating the generator above an ambient temperature of 75°F or relative humidity of 75%.
Operation above these limits will drastically reduce the lifespan of the generator’s nitrogen membrane. Maintaining an 18’’ gap around the generator ensures optimum airflow, with routine maintenance being a must every 12 months or 4000 - 8000 hours, alongside use of the correct supply voltage.
For a hydrogen generator, it is advisable to use only high grade deionised water of 1μS/cm or better, and to replace the deioniser resin bags or columns every six months. Checking the condition of the desiccant regularly, where used, is also important. Upon 80% saturation, the desiccant must be changed. GGS pro- vides resin, desiccant, and advice to help maintain your hydrogen generator at optimum performance. Control- ling the water quality of the hydrogen generator is crucial and will ensure that the life of the hydrogen cell is maximized.
Gas Generator Solutions (GGS) is the nation’s leading independent lab gas generator service and maintenance specialist servicing all types of lab gas generator equipment, brands, and manufacturers. With a national client roster spanning the most demanding and complex mis- sion critical lab environments across all lab businesses, particularly those anchored in nitrogen fueled mass spectrometry technologies, GGS’ mission is to assist clients in cultivating lab environments that can remain competitive in a complex and fast-evolving industry.
With an unmatched track record for positive service and maintenance outcomes with minimal downtime, GGS provides services including flexible equipment service protection plans, advanced tech support, custom-integrated aftermarket solutions and consulting, and a fully stocked inventory of genuine spare sparts.
Strong labs protect people by identifying, preventing, and curing diseases. When a strong lab goes down, it results in lost time, scheduling setback, revenue loss, with people and institutions set at risk. Gas generators remain a crucial tool for several processes, especially concerning mass spectrometry experiments in medical and life-science laboratories around the world.
Having worked with lab managers and backed by in-depth knowledge of diverse lab environments, GGS offers mass spectrometry gas generator expertise with unbiased advice and guidance to reinforce the efforts of strong labs around the world. GGS offers advanced tech support, regarding lab gas generator equipment installation, maintenance, and replacement. Alongside an active consulting framework that assists lab managers to customize and integrate lab gas generator solutions, GGS is the standard when it comes to making your lab stronger and future proofed as technologies evolve, all for the best possible price.
Call GGS Tech Support (800-738-1698) to obtain the best advice for your gas generator’s operation. To learn more, visit