AI Program Detects Sex-Related Differences in Brain Structureby New York UniversityThese findings emphasize the need for diversity among individuals involved in neurological and psychiatric research
DIANA—a Noninvasive Approach for In Vivo Direct Imaging of Neuronal Activityby American Association for the Advancement of Science
NewsMachine Intelligence Accelerates Research into Mapping Brainsby Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate UniversityResearchers fine-tune algorithms to improve brain mapping by MRI
News'Little Brain,' or Cerebellum, Not So Little After Allby San Diego State UniversityHigh-res imaging shows the cerebellum is 80 percent of the area of the cortex, indicating it has grown as human behavior and cognition evolved
NewsEarliest Look at Newborns' Visual Cortex Reveals Minds Babies are Born Withby Emory UniversityStudy shows babies are hardwired to look at faces
NewsPET/MRI Identifies Notable Breast Cancer Imaging Biomarkersby Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular ImagingBiomarkers may support screening and risk-reduction strategies
NewsArtificial Intelligence to Improve Resolution of Brain Magnetic Resonance Imagingby University of MalagaThe method, designed by researchers of the UMA, enables the detection of pathologies with increased accuracy and definition, without additional tests
NewsDeep Brain Stimulation Safer for Patients with New MRI Compatible Electrodeby San Diego State UniversityA research team created a glassy carbon electrode as an alternative to the metal version, and new findings show it does not react to MRI scans, making it safer
NewsWorld's Smallest MRI Performed on Single Atomsby Institute for Basic ScienceMagnetic resonance imaging enables to scan the magnetic field of single atoms with unprecedented resolution
NewsPlaying High School Football Changes the Teenage Brainby University of California - BerkeleyMRI study reveals that repeated blows to the head cause microscopic changes in young players' brains
NewsA 15-Minute Scan Could Help Diagnose Brain Damage in Newbornsby Imperial College LondonIn a study of more than 200 babies, magnetic resonance spectroscopy predicted damage with 98 percent accuracy
NewsUCI Researchers Identify New Cause of Brain Bleedsby University of California IrvineStudy reveals evidence that blood deposits in the brain may not require a blood vessel tear