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LPA 2021 Virtual Spring Meeting to be Held May 4-5

The Laboratory Products Association (LPA) will hold its Virtual  Spring Meeting May 4-5, 2021 1:00-4:30 PM EDT each day.

by Laboratory Products Association

LPA Virtual Spring Meeting
May 4-5, 2021

The Spring Meeting program will feature Paul Zikopoulos, an award-winning author, speaker,  future trends expert, and VP of Big Data Cognitive Systems at IBM, will open with his  presentation on Future Tech Trends. After a short break with focused breakout rooms available,  Rob Smith of Mercury LLC will present a Government and Regulatory Affairs Update. The day  will close with an LPA Happy Hour with random breakout rooms and private meeting rooms  available upon request. 

The next day, Hamid Ghanadan and Kristin Apple of Linus Group will open with a dynamic  outlook on Science in a Pandemic—One Year After the Initial Shock and the Next Normal. After a  short break with focused breakout rooms available again, Allison Levine will ignite your drive to  do more with Pulling Your Weight: Your Biggest Competitive Advantage is YOU!

This meeting promises to be well-rounded and valuable to all who attend. The LPA will also  highlight many new programs rolling out this year. For more details on the Spring Meeting schedule, speakers, and to register, go to