Experiment Pushes Elements to the Limitby Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryThe result measure how long exotic nuclei can survive at the edge of stability
WhitepaperDriving Evolution in Isotope Analysisby Thermo Fisher ScientificDefining productivity for laboratories investigating the origin, history, and potential adulteration of samples
WhitepaperIlluminating the Edge of Discoveryby Thermo Fisher ScientificHigh precision isotope ratio analysis, simplified
NewsTungsten Isotope Helps Study How to Armor Future Fusion Reactorsby U.S. Department of Energy,Oak Ridge National LaboratoryORNL researchers used natural tungsten (yellow) and enriched tungsten (orange) to trace the erosion, transport, and redeposition of tungsten
NewsDrugs with Longer Shelf Life Bring Hope to Cancer Patientsby University of MelbourneCost effective radiation technique targeted
NewsStardust in the Antarctic Snowby Technical University of MunichIron-60 discovery in the Antarctic provides information on the environment of the solar system
NewsSeparation Anxiety No More: A Faster Technique to Purify Elementsby Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryA more efficient chemical separation method pioneered by Berkeley Lab scientists could accelerate access to promising cancer treatment
NewsThe Age of Waterby University of DelawareA new study looked at chlorine isotopes as chemical tracers to determine the age and origin of groundwaters from the Eastern Desert of Egypt
NewsMagic Numbers Make Nickel Nucleus Strongerby University of TokyoResearchers made magic with nickel, but this was no coin trick
NewsRust Never Sleepsby Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryPNNL research using atom probe tomography reveals chinks in iron crystals that can 'heal'
NewsInspiring People to Make Better Lifestyle Choices—through Isotopesby Arizona State UniversityA recent study used breath and hair to determine metabolism and increase of calories burned during exercise