Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business


Getting Heard

by Lina Genovesi
Mastering the technique of selling ideas to upper management is not just a vital part of your responsibilities as a lab manager. “[Selling your ideas] has the potential of providing you with opportunities for professional growth and career advancement,” says Glen Fine, chief executive officer at Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (and a former lab manager).

Pittcon 2014 Conferee Networking: Call for Topics

by Pittcon
Don't miss out on this opportunity to be a Pittcon 2014 Conferee Networking Session host! If you have an idea for a Conferee Networking Session, we want to hear from you. Submit your idea to us by August 23, 2013.

Selling Ideas to Upper Management

by John K. Borchardt
Effectively selling your ideas and those of your staff members to upper management is often what separates good lab managers from great ones. Failure to accomplish this is the main reason excellent ideas fall by the wayside. To sell ideas, you need to tap into the same creativity you and your staff used to conceive them.