GC/MS separates chemical mixtures into their components for precise identification and quantification, even at trace levels. Multiple mass analyzers in GC triple quadrupole mass spectrometry (GC/MS/MS) enhance selectivity and sensitivity for highly complex samples. A new generation of this technology enhances peak performance and can quantify hundreds of analytes in one run.

With helium in dwindling supply, there is a growing push towards using hydrogen as a carrier gas. Although abundant and cost-effective, hydrogen is not inert, leading to potential complications such as unwanted reactions with analytes. Proper precautions, method adjustments, and hardware changes are essential for its successful implementation. A comprehensive hydrogen-ready solution from Agilent helps ensure safe and effective transitioning from helium to hydrogen along with guidance and tools for labs making this switch. These new solutions have demonstrated exemplary performance, especially in pesticide residue analysis—a critical area of food safety.
Download this resource for a concise checklist that serves as a practical guide for transitioning from helium to hydrogen carrier gas in GC/MS.
In this resource, you'll learn more about:
- The foundational workings of GC/MS
- Its evolution to GC/MS/MS
- The procedure to transition from helium to hydrogen as a carrier gas
- State-of-the-art tools that can adapt while maintaining or even enhancing performance
- Performance in pesticide residue analyses