In a recent investigation, wood scientists found that bags labeled as "cypress" contain only 50 percent cypress, while other bags contained no cypress at all
Researchers are investigating the potential use of a wild/weedy, locally adapted Chenopodium species as a breeding partner with quinoa in an effort to "re-domesticate" quinoa into a form suitable for crop production
The fact that consumers purchase produce to satisfy their senses—not necessarily for its nutrients—should prove particularly important for growers and grocers to understand
Understanding how grape buds respond to subzero temperatures is of paramount concern to vineyard managers in New York and other northerly grape-producing states
Kenny McCabe and James Schrader grabbed two pots of marigolds and placed them on a greenhouse bench. On the left, in a pot made from a biorenewable mix of soy protein and polylactic acid, was a thick plant with three orange-gold blooms and four buds about to pop, its leaves a rich and dark green.
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