High Throughput Microscopy: From Basic Cell Biology to Screeningby Lab ManagerJoin Lab Manager and our experts as we discuss high-throughput microscopy and image analysis approaches to interrogate cell models
Using High-Throughput Screening to Rapidly Identify Targetsby John F. Conway,Graeme Dennis,Amandeep Ratte
WhitepaperAutomation and Consistency in PBMC Separationby Thermo Fisher ScientificGet high-throughput PBMC separation that rivals manual methods
Resource GuideEnsuring Rapid and Efficient Cell Line Developmentby SartoriusFulfill critical needs along the entire span of the CLD workflow
InfographicHow to Streamline Large-Scale Protein Productionby EppendorfA simplified workflow when scaling production enhances productivity, reduces operational challenges, and maintains the quality of recombinant proteins
InfographicHow to Reduce Carryover in Liquid Chromatographyby ShimadzuSave time, start batches earlier, run more samples, and report results sooner with an optimized UHPLC system
WhitepaperIndustrial Collaboration Delivers Highly Versatile Photoreactorby UniqsisVersatile photochemical reactor for optimized batch and flow chemistry
WhitepaperMultiplex Array Technology for Rapid COVID-19 Clade Variant Testingby PathogenDXA rapid, affordable adaptive surveillance test to screen for CoV-2 clade variants
Product NewsHigh Throughput Experimentation Drives Better Outcomesby Scott D. Hanton, PhD,John F. Conway,Ralph Rivero, PhD,Laurent Baumes, PhDAutomation and informatics fuel HTE programs across scientific fields
Product NewsAsk Linda: Using Collaborative Automation to Screen Fasterby Lab ManagerBy implementing high throughput experimentation, you’ll be able to run far more experiments than your lab can complete using traditional methods
Product NewsBioAscent Invests £1M to Expand Drug Discovery Service Offeringby BioAscentBioAscent’s compound management service continues to grow successfully
Product FocusRobotic Workstations Reduce Human Error in the Laboratoryby Brandoch Cook, PhDThe unseen workhorses of laboratory robotics help to reduce human error and increase reproducibility