How Do the Next Generation of Clinical Oncology Trials Stack Up?by Masha G. Savelieff, PhDOngoing trials are using both genomics and functional approaches to match tumor profiles to tailored therapies
Researchers Find Links between Lupus and Genetic Mutationsby University of California - Berkeley,Robert Sanders
NewsEvolution’s Recipe Book: How ‘Copy-Paste’ Errors Cooked Up the Animal Kingdomby Centre for Genomic RegulationStudy explores multiple evolutionary innovations stemming from gene duplication events hundreds of millions of years ago
NewsGenetic Discovery Promises High-Iron Vegetables and Cerealsby John Innes CentreUnlocking the power of peas to address a global health issue
NewsNew Gene Editing Method May Quicken Study of Cancer Mutationsby Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyThis technique enables researchers to examine mutations with unknown roles, aiding in drug development
NewsNew Green Revolution Gene Discovery Sows Hope of Drought Resilient Wheatby John Innes CentreA new height-reducing gene can allow seeds to be planted deeper in soil for better access to moisture
NewsIt May Already Be Too Late to Meet UN Genetic Diversity Targetby Carnegie Institution for ScienceMore than one-tenth of the world’s terrestrial genetic diversity may already be lost
NewsTowards a Better Understanding of Depressionby Johannes Gutenberg University MainzResearchers examine ways of alleviating depressive states using the Drosophila fruit fly as a model
NewsCorals Pass Mutations Acquired during Their Lifetimes to Offspringby Penn StatePotentially providing increased genetic diversity for evolutionary adaptation
NewsResearchers Discover Wheat Yield-Enhancing Geneby Chinese Academy of Sciences HeadquartersThe gene-edited mutant wheat had significantly more grains per spike compared with the wild type
NewsNovel Therapy Studied for Inherited Breast Cancerby University of Texas Health Science Center at San AntonioScientists have found a new way to kill cancers caused by an inherited mutation in BRCA1
NewsGene-Editing Technology May Produce Resistant Virus in Cassava Plantby University of AlbertaAn international team of biologists urge careful use of technology in research and flag potential biosafety risks