FreeZone® Triad® Freeze Dryers
Labconco knows lyophilization, having been a trusted supplier of freeze dryers to laboratories around the world for over forty years. FreeZone freeze dryers are well known for reliability because they’re built to the highest possible standards with superior materials. With the convenience of pre-freezing in the chamber, the flexibility of freeze drying in flasks or in bulk, and the built-in stoppering mechanism, Labconco’s FreeZone Triad® Freeze Dryer can handle the widest variety of samples.

The Lyo-Works OS handles all your lyophilization programs and data—logging, graphing, and end-point detection—through mobile connectivity. So, users can stay informed of selected alerts while moving on to other important activities. Lyo-Works OS even makes maintenance easier. The lyophilization process will never change. But now freeze dryer controls make the process quicker and more reliable.
With laboratory space at a premium, it’s nice to have the flexibility and versatility to lyophilize many different sample types and forms with a single benchtop unit. The Triad allows for lyophilization in flasks, in bulk, and in vials, with the option to stopper under vacuum. You can even freeze dry in flasks and on the shelf at the same time.
The integrated stainless steel collector coil reaches -84°C and holds up to 2.5 liters of ice. It boasts temperature-controlled shelves ranging from -55° C to +50° C during lyophilization and -75° C during pre-freezing. A pneumatic mechanism stoppers vials while the chamber is under vacuum eliminating the need for compressed gas.
Samples may be frozen on the shelf at a controlled rate, eliminating the need for a separate freezer and product transfer. No freezer or accessories needed. This system is perfectly compact with conveniences built in to meet your needs today and accommodate your future applications.
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Labconco knows lyophilization, having been a trusted supplier of freeze dryers to laboratories around the world for over forty years. FreeZone freeze dryers are well known for reliability because they’re built to the highest possible standards with superior materials. With the convenience of pre-freezing in the chamber, the flexibility of freeze drying in flasks or in bulk, and the built-in stoppering mechanism, Labconco’s FreeZone Triad® Freeze Dryer can handle the widest variety of samples.
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