Reviving a Long-Extinct Birdby Harvard University,Anne J. ManningResearchers sequence the complete genome of the bush moa
NewsUsing AI to Save Species from Extinction Cascadesby Flinders UniversityMachine learning can help research build a better understanding of species interactions
NewsLocal Loss of Species May Often Be Underestimatedby University of OldenburgNew biodiversity study shows that species richness is not a reliable metric for monitoring ecosystems
News‘Zero Plant Extinction’ Is Possible, Says Plant Ecologistby Cell PressThis suggested approach could help prevent any future land plant extinction
NewsBiogeography and Behavioral Ecology Needed to Respond to Biodiversity Lossby University of OklahomaAddressing questions of biodiversity dynamics is necessary for preventing large-scale extinction from climate change
NewsIt Would Take 23 Million Years to Replace Madagascar’s Endangered Mammalsby The Field MuseumTo prevent mass extinction in Madagascar it's now or never, according to new research
NewsExtinct Marine Reptile Graveyard May Have Been Ancient Birthing Groundsby SmithsonianExplanations for why so many ancient marine reptiles died there have eluded researchers
NewsBioRescue Produces Primordial Germ Cells from Northern White Rhino Stem Cellsby Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife ResearchResearchers nourish the hope to prevent the extinction of the northern white rhino
NewsEvolution of Tree Roots May Have Driven Mass Extinctionsby Indiana UniversityGeologists in the US and UK find parallels between ancient, global-scale extinction events and modern threats
NewsUp to 32 Frog Species Thought to Be Extinct May Not Beby Michigan State UniversityResearchers have found numerous species of harlequin frogs thought to be extinct, are still surviving in the wild
NewsGeobiologists Shine New Light on Earth’s First Known Mass Extinction Eventby Virginia TechA major loss of diversity during the Ediacaran Period, which lasted from 635 million to 540 million years ago