Finding Cannibalized Starsby Georgia State UniversityAstronomers using Georgia State’s CHARA Array have detected the faint light of stellar corpses beside predator stars
NewsGalactic Explosion Offers Astrophysicists New Insight into the Cosmosby Ohio State UniversityStudy reveals new details about the universe’s chemical formation
NewsNuclear Pasta, the Hardest Known Substance in the Universeby McGill UniversityComputer simulations of neutron stars could help better understand the possible sources of gravitational waves
NewsAstronomers Witness Birth of New Star from Stellar Explosionby Purdue UniversityUnlike most stellar explosions that fade away, Supernova SN 2012au continues to shine today thanks to a powerful new pulsar
New Gamma-Ray Observatory Begins Operations at Sierra Negra Volcanoby Los Alamos National LaboratoryThe High-Altitude Water Cherenkov Gamma Ray Observatory has begun formal operations at its site in Mexico.