Are E-Cigarettes a “Gateway” to Cannabis Use among Adolescents?by Georgia State UniversityMental health status significantly affects whether adolescents who use e-cigarettes will begin using cannabis
Researchers Publish Comprehensive Review on Respiratory Effects of Vapingby University of North Carolina School of Medicine
NewsTrying to Quit Smoking? Higher Levels of Nicotine May Helpby Queen Mary University of LondonAllowing smokers to determine their nicotine intake while they are trying to quit is likely to help them kick the habit
NewsToxins Produced by E-Cigarettes Vary by Flavorby Penn StateResearchers found that many of the chemicals used to flavor e-cigarettes increased the production of free radicals, while a few actually lowered it
NewsLead and Other Toxic Metals Found in E-Cigarette Vaporsby Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public HealthSome e-cigarette heating coils could be leaking dangerous levels of metals into the aersols inhaled by the user
NewsOne of the Most Comprehensive Studies on Health Effects of E-Cigarettesby The National AcademiesUsing e-cigarettes may lead youth to start smoking, adults to stop smoking
NewsCan E-Cigarettes Help Smokers Quit?by Medical University of South CarolinaStudy finds smokers who are willing to use e-cigarettes tend to smoke less and increase their quit attempts