Knowing What Dogs Like to Watch Could Help Veterinarians Assess Their Visionby University of Wisconsin-MadisonRecent study takes a novel approach to assessing canine vision by measuring dogs' interest in a variety of video content
Scientists Develop Non-Invasive, Pain-Free Method to Reprogram Canine Stem Cellsby Osaka Metropolitan University
Gut Bacteria Found in Wild Wolves May Be Key to Improving Domestic Dogs’ Healthby Oregon State University
NewsPublication of 2,000 Canine Genomes Provides Toolkit for Translational Researchby Uppsala UniversityThis marks the culmination of the Dog10K consortium efforts
NewsDNA Evidence on Dogs Can Help Track Down Offendersby Flinders UniversityDNA evidence can be pulled from animals present at a crime, according to new study
NewsInteracting with Dogs Sparks Activity in the Prefrontal Cortexby Holden GalushaNew study explores the neurological mechanisms behind the benefits of interacting with pets
NewsIce Age Wolf DNA Reveals Dogs Trace Ancestry to Two Separate Wolf Populationsby The Francis Crick InstituteGray wolf genomic history reveals a dual ancestry of dogs
NewsWolf Pups Won’t 'Get' You Quite Like Your Dogby Duke UniversityAfter 14,000 years of domestication, dogs have some of the same cognitive abilities as human babies
NewsPuppies Are Wired to Communicate with Peopleby University of ArizonaGenetics may help explain why some dogs perform better than others on social tasks
NewsRespiratory Diseases Linked with High Blood Pressure in Lungsby University of MissouriMU researcher examines underlying conditions causing pulmonary hypertension
NewsDogs Contributing to Spread of Rocky Mountain Spotted Feverby University of California - DavisRocky Mountain spotted fever is spread by the brown dog tick, which feeds on dogs and people, and thrives in hot, arid climates
NewsThe Healing Power of Fish Skin for a Dog Named Stellaby Michigan State UniversityIcelandic, descaled cod fish skins can help heal burn and other medical procedures in humans and animals
NewsCan Dogs Accurately Sniff Out Cancer in Blood?by Experimental BiologyCanine cancer detection could lead to new noninvasive, inexpensive ways to detect cancer