Lab Manager | Run Your Lab Like a Business

Digital Event: Diversity • Equity • Inclusion Digital Summit

Lab Manager Diversity Equity Inclusion Summit
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Diversity • Equity • Inclusion Digital Summit
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Fostering Inclusion to Empower Laboratories

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January 23, 2024
From 11:00 AM EST

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In today's rapidly evolving scientific landscape, laboratories worldwide recognize the undeniable importance of diversity and inclusion. To explore the profound impact of fostering a diverse and inclusive environment within the laboratory, we invite you to join Lab Manager on January 23 for our Diversity•Equity•Inclusion Digital Summit.

This summit aims to catalyze change by inspiring laboratory professionals, researchers, educators, and industry leaders to embrace diversity and inclusion within scientific communities. Attending this event will give you invaluable insights and actionable strategies to create a more inclusive and equitable laboratory environment. Our distinguished panel of experts, comprising renowned researchers, influential industry leaders, and advocates, will delve into the multifaceted dimensions of diversity and inclusion and its pivotal role in driving innovation, creativity, and problem-solving within laboratory settings.

The event will also provide an exceptional opportunity to network and engage with like-minded professionals. It will equip you with the knowledge, tools, and inspiration to foster a diverse, inclusive, thriving laboratory environment. Together, let us drive positive change and unlock the limitless potential that diversity holds for scientific discovery and innovation. Register for this free event and bring your questions for our experts!