How Can Forests Be Reforested in a Climate-Friendly Way?by University of ViennaOnly a few tree species are flexible enough to survive a century of rapid climate change
NewsAI Models Identify Biodiversity from Animal Sounds in Tropical Rain Forestsby University of WürzburgThis AI tool can help with assessing biodiversity in reforested areas
NewsDeforestation and Warming Lock Rain Forest in Dry and Damaged Grassland Stateby Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact ResearchStudy underlines the impact of fire dynamics on pushing and locking the Amazon region into a treeless state
NewsMountain Forests Are Being Lost, Putting Biodiversity at Riskby Cell PressThe rate of mountain forest loss has accelerated by 50 percent since 2001-2009
News‘Deforestation-Free’ Pledges Have Barely Impacted Forest Clearanceby University of CambridgeMore companies must make and implement zero-deforestation supply chain commitments
NewsTropical Forests in Africa’s Mountains Store More Carbon than Previously Thoughtby University of YorkScientists studying forests in Africa were surprised by their carbon storage, and how fast they are disappearing
NewsNew Marmoset Species Discovered in Brazilian Amazonby Wildlife Conservation Society“Schneider’s marmoset” is found in the highly threatened, but little-studied forests of Mato Grosso State
NewsVariation among Amazonian Countries in Their Rates of Forest Recoveryby Bangor UniversityAmazonian regions that have undergone the most extensive deforestation and have the lowest levels of recovery
NewsNearly 20 Percent of Intact Forest Landscapes Overlap with Extractive Industriesby Wildlife Conservation SocietyIntact forest landscapes are critical for conserving biodiversity and fighting climate change
NewsRise in Southeast Asia Forest Clearance Increasing Greenhouse Gasesby University of LeedsMore than 400 million metric tons of carbon are released into the atmosphere every year as forests are cleared
NewsGrowing Demand for Zero-Deforestation Cacao Might Not Help Colombian Forestsby International Center for Tropical AgricultureCacao stakeholders have to overcome barriers to reach markets that value zero-deforestation, complicating one of Colombia's post-conflict strategies