Consortium will develop a QSP Immuno-oncology Simulator to test combination cancer therapies and different dose regimens and biomarkers in computer-generated, virtual patients
The government of India’s Department of Biotechnology, Indian corporate leaders and Washington University in St. Louis have invested $2.5 million to launch the Indo-US Advanced Bioenergy Consortium for Second Generation Biofuels (IUABC).
About $18 million is being awarded to three regional consortia that will collaborate on science and engineering research, education, and outreach to accelerate progress on scientific grand challenges, strengthen workforce capabilities, and broaden the participation of underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering and mathematics.
Biomedical researchers in seven Western states will share in a new $20.4-million federal grant led by scientists at the University of New Mexico Health Sciences Center (HSC), it was announced Thursday. The National Institutes of Health funding will support a new clinical and translational research infrastructure network, charged with developing new drugs, devices and medical best practices.
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