Thursday, December 14, 2023
Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) represents a crucial step in PFAS analysis to achieve the lowest detection limits, but lends itself to substantial inefficiencies when performed manually. Additionally, analytical separation and detection requirements for PFAS have been getting more challenging as advisory and regulatory limits are constantly being updated. A highly sensitive UPLC-MS/MS platform is essential with implementation of best practices to eliminate background contamination.
This webinar will discuss automated SPE using Promochrom SPE-03 for PFAS extraction following EPA Methods (533/537.1/1633), Waters comprehensive PFAS analysis solution and implementation success at Katahdin Analytical Services to meet the regulatory requirements for PFAS testing program. The presentation will highlight recent advances in UPLC-MS/MS technology with enhancements in negative ion sensitivity from the Xevo TQ Absolute Mass Spectrometer, as well as tools for data management with waters_connect software. Gain valuable insight on controlling laboratory background contamination and customer education tools for building in-house expertise in PFAS analysis.

Ian Wan
General Manager
PromoChrom Technologies

Gordon Fujimoto, PhD
Group Leader, Chemical Analysis Applications
Waters Corporation

Michael P. Flanders
President & CEO
Katahdin Analytical Services