Neurons Both Replay Past Events and Forecast Future Onesby Rice University,Silvia Cernea ClarkNew research offers real-time observation of neuroplasticity during sleep
Scientists Optimize Methods to Study Brains at Rest in a Key Model Organismby Tokyo Metropolitan University
NewsNational Study Finds Potential Link between Video Gaming and Improved Cognitive Performanceby Holden GalushaStudy of more than 2,000 children finds that those who game perform better in tasks involving attention, active memory, and more
NewsInteracting with Dogs Sparks Activity in the Prefrontal Cortexby Holden GalushaNew study explores the neurological mechanisms behind the benefits of interacting with pets
NewsA New Statistical Method for Improved Brain Mappingby Paris Brain InstituteMapping the brain is a challenge that mobilizes many neuroscience researchers around the world
NewsBrain Imaging Shows What Happens When We Question Fake Newsby University of Texas at AustinResearch finds asking yourself key questions activates the critical thinking centers of the brain
NewsAbility to Focus May Falter After Eating One Meal in High Saturated Fatby Ohio State UniversityThe study also looked at the effects of a condition known as leaky gut on concentration
NewsWant to Learn a New Skill? Take Some Short Breaksby National Institute of HealthThe study results highlight the critically important role rest may play in learning
NewsRobots to Autocomplete Soldier Tasksby U.S. Army Research LaboratoryNew research looks at soldier brain activity during specific tasks for ways to incorporate AI teaming to dynamically complete tasks
News3D-Printed Transparent Skull Provides a Window to the Brainby University of MinnesotaThe device allows fundamental brain research that could provide new insight for human brain conditions
NewsSpeaking with a Robot Is Not as Pleasant as Talking to a Humanby CNRSFunctional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to record the brain activity of participants speaking with another human or with a robot
NewsThree Ways Studying Organic Chemistry Changes the Brainby Carnegie Mellon UniversityThe discoveries about the neuroscience of learning open the possibility of informing and enhancing instructional methods in science