Researchers Discover 12,000-Year-Old Flutes Made from Bird Bonesby Virginia Commonwealth UniversityFound in northern Israel, they are the first prehistoric sound instruments identified from the Near East
Pushing Frontiers through Upcycling: Eggshell Waste for Bone Graft Materialby KeAi Communications Co.
NewsResearch Team Identifies Oldest Bone Spear Point in the Americasby Texas A&M UniversityThe Manis bone projectile point represents the oldest direct evidence of mastodon hunting in the Americas
NewsEarliest Land Animals Had Fewer Skull Bones than Fishby University of BristolSurprisingly, the study suggests that early tetrapod evolution would have been restricted by having fewer skull bones
NewsDrug Doubles Down on Bone Cancer, Metastasisby Rice University"BonTarg" combines breast cancer drug with bone-targeting antibody
NewsResearchers Discover Possible Link between Diet and Back Injuriesby Icahn School of Medicine at Mount SinaiHealthy eating could decrease risk of vertebral fractures, especially in women
NewsNovel Technologies Reveal Key Information About Depleted East Pacific Green Sea Turtlesby University of California - San DiegoNew habitat data show turtles are spending more time offshore, increasing their risk as fishing bycatch
NewsLab-Grown Bone Cell Breakthrough Heralds New Benefits for Orthopedicsby University of GlasgowScientists have grown three-dimensional samples of mineralized bone in the laboratory for the first time
NewsFarming, Cheese, Chewing Changed Human Skull Shapeby University of California - DavisHumans who live by hunting and foraging wild foods have to put more effort into chewing than people living from farming, who eat a softer diet
NewsTreating Arthritis with Algaeby Marc Estermann-Empa Materials Science & Technology News OfficeA new weapon in the fight against arthritis?
NewsCRISPR Sheds Light on Rare Pediatric Bone Marrow Failure Syndromeby Washington University in St. LouisGene editing reveals how the disease impairs formation of blood cells
NewsWhat Bone Proteomics Could Reveal about the Deadby American Chemical SocietyA new study of pig bones suggests that proteins extracted from skeletal remains could act as biomarkers of the age of an animal or person at death