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Arizona State University

Leadership Academy to Cultivate New Generation of Leaders in Higher Education

by Arizona State University
The need to foster current and emerging leaders in higher education is soaring considering rapid advances in technology and the expansion of higher education as an enterprise. To cultivate a leader who can harness innovative collaborations and new approaches to help realize the ideal of a New American University, Arizona State University has launched the Leadership Academy.

Scientists' Paper Cited as Milestone in Crystallography

by Arizona State University
In July 1978, Peter Buseck of Arizona State University, together with two postdoctoral researchers (also then at ASU), published a paper on a new technique for high-resolution imaging of crystal structures using transmission electron microscopes. Recently, the scientific journal Nature has hailed that paper as a milestone in the science of crystallography. At the same time, Nature also cited three other milestone crystallography papers.

Pregnant Women, Fetuses Exposed to Antibacterial Compounds Face Potential Health Risks

by Arizona State University
As the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) mulls over whether to rein in the use of common antibacterial compounds that are causing growing concern among environmental health experts, a team of scientists led by Arizona State University Biodesign Institute researchers are now reporting that many pregnant women and their fetuses are being exposed to these substances.