Useful Industrial Hygiene Tools for Your Labby Jonathan Klane, M.S.Ed., CIH, CSP, CHMM, CITHow familiar are you with the many IH tools available?
NewsComplex Impact of Large Wildfires on Ozone Layer Dynamicsby Max Planck Institute for ChemistryHuge smoke-charged vortex doubles aerosol burden in the middle stratosphere and buffers ozone depletion
NewsYou May Breathe In More Nanoparticles from Your Gas Stove than from Car Exhaustby Purdue UniversityGas stoves emit nanocluster aerosol that may get deep into your respiratory system, study shows
NewsAir Pollution Hides Increases in Rainfallby Lawrence Berkeley National LaboratoryAs aerosol emissions diminish, so do their drying effects, meaning extreme rains caused by greenhouse gases may ramp up
NewsNew Study Finds Chemical Composition of US Air Pollution Changed Over Timeby University of North Carolina at Chapel HillResearchers found that while fine particulate matter concentrations have overall decreased, its composition has changed
NewsSensors Made from 'Frozen Smoke' Can Detect Toxic Formaldehyde in Homes, Officesby University of CambridgeAerogel-based sensors are capable of detecting formaldehyde at concentrations as low as eight parts per billion
NewsOffice Air Conditioning Can Reduce the Risk of Harm from Wildfire Smokeby University of Technology SydneyAir conditioning doesn't just cool the air—it can also reduce risk of harm from wildfire smoke, new research suggests
Product NewsAircuity Introduces Adaptive Airflow Application for Cleanroomsby AircuityThe new platform adjusts air change rates based on particle levels, saving energy
Product in ActionECO Funnel: The Laboratory Air Pollution Solution Since 1996by CPLabSafetyECO Funnel is the simplest way to prevent 99.9 percent of volatile chemical emissions from escaping waste containers, protecting people and the planet
Product in ActionLabconco Nexus Horizontal Clean Benchby LabconcoThe Nexus Horizontal Clean Bench is a laminar flow workstation designed to protect non-hazardous samples and processes from contamination, providing an ISO Class 4 clean air environment
Product NewsExhaust Filter Boxby Sentry Air SystemsThis inline filter mounts onto the exhaust hood and connects to existing ductwork